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Stress reduction through qigong, taiji, and acupressure

Meißner, Karin (2023)

Vortrag auf 6. SMS-Kongress "Chinesische Medizin im klinischen Alltag — Grundlagen, Anwendung & Wissenschaft", 8.-10-2023, Tutzing.

Peer Reviewed

Treatment of Long/Post-COVID with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) –a cross-sectional survey of TCM physicians

Hardy, Anne; Kraft, Jana; Baustädter, Verena; Bögel-Witt, Martina; Krassnig, Katharina...

Poster auf 6. SMS-Kongress "Chinesische Medizin im klinischen Alltag — Grundlagen, Anwendung & Wissenschaft", 8.-10. September 2023, Tutzing.

Peer Reviewed

An Amplified Voltammetric H/D Isotope Effect Observed with DNA Self-Assembled Monolayers on Gold Electrodes

Flechsig, Gerd-Uwe; Galagedera, S. K. K. (2023)

Vortrag auf der Konferenz: 74th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry 2023.

Peer Reviewed

Trace Analysis of Metal(II) Pyrithiones in Building Materials by means of Adsorptive Stripping Voltammetry

Befolo, Olivier; Flechsig, Gerd-Uwe (2023)

Wissenschaftliches Poster: 74th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry in Lyon, France 2023.

Rescaling of Symbol Counts for Adaptive rANS Coding

Strutz, Tilo (2023)

31st European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), September 04--08, 2023, Helsinki, Finnland, S. 585-589.

Peer Reviewed

The abbreviation rANS stands for a relatively new method of arithmetic coding based on asymmetric numeral systems (ANS) which combines the advantages of arithmetic coding in terms of performance and the advantages of Huffman coding in terms of speed.
Compared to conventional arithmetic coding methods, the mathematical apparatus is slightly different which has the consequence that the decoding order is reversed to the encoding order, i.e. the processing follows the last-in-first-out principle.
This makes it somewhat difficult to design the coding process to adapt to changing symbol statistics, and therefore rANS coding has so far only been applied in settings with fixed statistics.
In particular, the frequent rescaling of statistics required to reduce the influence of old symbols becomes a problem when the order of processing is different on the encoder and decoder sides.

This paper proposes a new method that allows adaptive coding within the framework of rANS coding and additionally offers the possibility of rescaling the symbols frequencies. Investigations show that this method enables the same compression performance for rANS as for conventional arithmetic coding.


Die gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz von Achtsamkeit und Spiritualität ¬ Ein Abbild des Bewusstseinsstandes der gegenwärtigen Gesellschaft - Teil 1

Kohls, Niko (2023)

Interview 96 (3), S. 8-17.

Requirements Engineering lehren mit Just-In-Time-Teaching und Projekten

Reißing, Ralf (2023)

5. Symposium zur Hochschullehre in den MINT-Fächern, September 2023, Nürnberg, S. 117-123.

Open Access Peer Reviewed

In Bewegung forschen

Wilde, Mathias (2023)

Transformative Geographische Bildung - Schlüsselprobleme, Theoriezugänge, Forschungsweisen, Vermittlungspraktiken, S. 197-204.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-66482-7_28

Peer Reviewed

Wärmepumpe auch im Bestand effizient

Schaub, Michael (2023)

Aufgeladen - Der Energie-Podcast von lekker Folge 22.

Open Access

A Sustainable Approach for Achieving Capability Level 3 for ASPICE Test Processes

Pohlmann, H.; Reißing, Ralf (2023)

Kulzer, A., Reuss, H., Wagner, A. (Hrsg.): 23. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium (ISSYM) 2023 Proceedings. Springer Vieweg, 2023, S. 460-469.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-42048-2


Lebensqualität fördern mit Bewegung und Entspannung

Meißner, Karin (2023)

Vortrag auf dem Themenabend "Krebs –Was kann ich für mein Wohlbefinden tun?", TAO Themenjahr2023 – Gesundheit.

ErgoMate: Concept and Prototype of an Automated Ergonomic Workpace System for Office Environments

Leyendecker, Matthia; Zagel, Christian; Piazza, A. (2023)

Advances in the Human Side of Service Engineering, Springer, USA 2023.

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Post-Traumatic Distress in Adults With Congenital Heart Disease: an Under-Recognized Complication? The American Journal of Cardiology, 203, 9-16.

Freiberger, Annika; Richter, Cristina; Huber, M.; Beckmann, Jürgen ...

203, S. 9-16.
DOI: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2023.06.087

Peer Reviewed

On the relevance of (the New) Phenomenology to an ethics of health promotions: toward a prudent balance of understanding and explanation. Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine, 18(1), 9. doi:10.1186/s13010-023-00135-7

Röhrich, Christina; Giordano, J.; Kohls, Niko; Krüger, Eckard (2023)

Röhrich, C., Kohls, N., Krüger, E., & Giordano, J. (2023). On the relevance of (the New) Phenomenology to an ethics of health promotions: toward a prudent balance of understanding and explanation. Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine, 18(1), 9. 18 (9).
DOI: 10.1186/s13010-023-00135-7

Peer Reviewed

Pressure Characteristics Approximation Model of a Low-Pressure Axial Fan for Design and Off-Design Operating Conditions

Fritsche, Manuel; Epple, Philipp (2023)

Peer Reviewed

Analysis of the Parallel Scalability for the Engineering Application of a Low-Pressure Axial Fan

Fritsche, Manuel; Epple, Philipp (2023)

Peer Reviewed

Digitalization of Controlling in Insurance Companies. Along the Limits of Insurability

Kraft, Mirko; Drerup, Bianca (2023)

in: Keimer, Imke; Egle, Ulrich (Hg.) (2023): The Digitalization of Management Accounting. Use Cases form Theory and Practice. Wiesbaden: Springer 2023, S. 277–293.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-41524-2


This article deals with the digitalization of management accounting / controlling in insurance companies, which goes hand in hand with the digital transformation of the insurance industry by Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain. The insurance business requires an industry-specific design of the controlling instruments, but not of the controlling concept itself. Managing insurance as a service in a value- and risk-oriented way requires cost transparency, e.g. through contribution margin calculations. Risks, on the other hand, can only be understood from a balance sheet perspective, e.g. through internal models. These interdisciplinary fields of application of controlling are undergoing digitalization. In addition, there are new market developments such as telematics tariffs, in which the digitalization of controlling is essential in order to address the limits of insurability. The fields of application result in new competence profiles of controllers in distinction to actuaries and data scientists.


Nitrogen addition increases mass loss of gymnosperm deadwood but not of angiosperm deadwood without changing microbial communities

Roy, F.; Ibayev, O.; Arnstadt, T.; Bässler, C.; Borken , W.; Groß , C.; Hoppe, B....

Science of the Total Environment 900, 165868.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165868

Peer Reviewed

Hygrothermal characterization of a plaster with recycled materials used as interior insulation

Leonardi, Eleonora; Larcher, Marco; Herrera-Avellanosa, Daniel; Stefani, Anna...

2nd International Conference on Moisture in Buildings (ICMB23), 3-4 July 2023.

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Interior insulation plays a key role in reducing the energy consumption of historic buildings. However, it might cause moisture accumulation
and must be thoroughly analyzed. The use of recycled materials allows for further reduction of environmental impact. This paper presents
the study of a new insulating plaster containing aerogel and recycled glass used as capillary active interior insulation system. Firstly, the
hygrothermal properties of the material are measured in laboratory to obtain a complete characterization. Laboratory tests results are post-
processed to obtain the data required as input by the simulation software. Finally, hygrothermal simulations are carried out to investigate
the material’s behavior in realistic application scenarios and to study how different input parameters affect the results.


Edge-Friend: Fast and Deterministic Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surfaces

Kuth, Bastian; Oberberger, Max; Chajdas, Matthäus; Meyer, Quirin (2023)

Computer Graphics Forum 2023/42 (8).
DOI: 10.1111/cgf.14863

Open Access Peer Reviewed

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