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Podcast "Fränkischer Talk" - Chris Zagel, wie lebt es sich mit Mikrochips unter der Haut?

Zagel, Christian (2024)

Fränklischer Tag - Podcast.

Towards Practical Meshlet Compression

Kuth, Bastian; Oberberger, Max; Kawala , Felix ; Reitter, Sander; Michel, Sebastian...

Buch (Sammelband) 2024.
DOI: 10.2312/vmv.20241204

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Entwicklungsstand Wärmepumpen-Technologie – Anwendungsmöglichkeiten im Denkmal

Schaub, Michael (2024)

Seminar Nachhaltige Wärmeversorgung im Denkmal - Exkursion Marktbreit.


Jörg Zittlau: Täuschend heilsam

Meißner, Karin (2024)

Welt am Sonntag (Interview).

Einfluss des Ethanolgehalts in Ottokraftstoffen auf den Platinaustrag im Pkw-Abgaskondensat, untersucht mittels Voltammetrie im pg/L-Bereich

Flechsig, Gerd-Uwe; Kosturkov, Ivan; Staude, Kevin; Schröder, Olaf; Befolo, Olivier (2024)

Umwelt 2024 - Jahrestagung des SETAC GLB und der GDCh-Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie, 8. - 11. September.

Vereinfachen wir die Richtlinien! Regelwerk der Gebäudetechnik.

Schaub, Michael; Floß, Alexander (2024)

Gebäude Energieberater 20 (07), 32-33.


Extrinsic rather than intrinsic factors determine microbial colonization of deadwood

Moll, Julia; Bässler, C.; Buscot, F.; Hoppe, B.; Jehmlich, N.; Kellner, H....

Soil Biology and Biochemistry 2024 (199), 109608.
DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2024.109608


Effects of meditation on health promoting protective factors of persons with cardiovascular disease—a quasi-experimental pilot study with pre-post comparison

Weiß, Katharina; Mahnkopf, Christian; Kohls, Niko (2024)

14 (4).
DOI: 10.21037/cdt-24-74

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Background: The aim of this pilot study is to determine, in the context of a controlled intervention study, whether the health-promoting personal protective factors of sense of coherence, resilience, and self-compassion are strengthened by the practice of Metta meditation in individuals with cardiovascular disease. The interactions between mind and body play a pivotal role in health and mortality. Lifestyle factors and especially stress also play a decisive role in the development and progression of cardiovascular diseases. With health-promoting personal protective factors, which can be actively formed over the entire lifespan, stressors can be managed more adequately.

Methods: Data collection will be conducted as part of a controlled nonrandomized longitudinal pilot intervention study that will enrol individuals with cardiovascular disease (n=29). After the first interview, a 12-week Metta meditation course will start for the intervention group (IG) (n=9), while the control group (CG) (n=20) will receive no intervention. The Minnesota Living with Heart Failure® Questionnaire (MLHFQ), the 13-item Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC-13), the Resilience Scale, the Self-Compassion Scale short form (SCS-sf) German version, the German version of the 10-item Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10), and the Stress Coping subscale of the Stress and Coping Inventory (SCI) are used at both measurement time (MT) points. In addition, blood pressure parameters are collected. Furthermore, selected literature will be consulted to integrate the evaluated data into existing research findings.

Results: The health-promoting personal competencies of sense of coherence, resilience, and self-compassion were not strengthened by the practice of Metta meditation in individuals with cardiovascular disease. However, there was a significant reduction in perceived stress {F[1, 27] =4.351, P=0.047, f=0.402} and improved stress coping skills {F[1, 26] =6.790, P=0.02, f=0.511} in the IG. Furthermore, the frequency of rehospitalization {F[1, 27] =5.607, P=0.03, f=0.456} differed significantly in the pre-post comparison.

Conclusions: Due to the insufficient size of the sample, the results are only exploratory in nature and should therefore only be considered preliminary. Also, the correlations between the significant changes in the parameters and Metta meditation cannot be finally assessed. For this purpose, further studies with larger samples are needed.

Keywords: Loving-kindness meditation (LKM); sense of coherence; resilience; self-compassion; cardiovascular disease


Modalität und Shared Micro-Mobility: Die Nutzung von Verkehrsmitteln unter multioptionalen Bedingungen

Wilde, Mathias; Riedelbauch, Lukas (2024)

Internationales Verkehrswesen 76 (3), 48-50.

Profiles of well-being and their associations with self-forgiveness, forgiveness of others, and gratitude among patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases.

Charzyńska , Edyta; Offenbächer, M.; Halverson, k; Hirsch, J. K.; Kohls, Niko...

British Journal of Health Psychology 2024, 1-23.

Peer Reviewed

Heilende Architektur - neue Konzepte für Krankenhäuser

Knümann, Verena; Koppen, Gemma; Vollmer, Tanja C. (2024)

SWR Fernsehen. Interview mit Gemma Koppen & Tanja C. Vollmer für das TV Program SWR-Kultur.

Real-Time Procedural Generation with GPU Work Graphs

Kuth, Bastian; Oberberger, Max; Faber, Carsten; Baumeister, Dominik; Chajdas, Matthäus...

Zeitschrift 7 (3), 47.
DOI: 10.1145/3675376

Peer Reviewed

Ein guter Zeitpunkt, Richt­li­nien wieder stark zu vereinfachen. Die Zukunft von Heizlast, Kühllast, GEG-Nachweis und Co.

Schaub, Michael; Floß, Alexander (2024)

TGA+E Fachplaner 23 (08), 6-9.

Open Access

Vereinfachungen sind zwingend notwendig. Diskussionsbeitrag zur Zukunft von Heiz- und Kühllast, GEG-Nachweis und Co.

Schaub, Michael; Floß, Alexander (2024)

cci Zeitung 2024 (09), 10-11.

Open Access

A Novel Recursive Algorithm for the Implementation of Adaptive Robot Controllers

Kaya, Mertcan; Akbulut, Mehmet Ali ; Bayraktaroglu, Zeki Yagiz...

Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 115, 110.
DOI: 10.1007/s10846-024-02135-x

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Therapeutic Architecture and Temporality: Evidence-Based Design for Long-Stay Facilities for Individuals with Severe Intellectual Disabilities and Challenging Behaviour.

Vollmer, Tanja C.; Koppen, Gemma; Iovita, Claudia; Schießl, Lara (2024)

Architecture 2024/4 (3), 541–570.
DOI: 10.3390/architecture4030029

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Concept and prototypic implementation of a tangible user interface for psychosocial interventions in the context of dementia

Leyendecker, Matthia; Zagel, Christian (2024)

AHFE International - The Human Side of Service Engineering 143, 167-177.
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1005095

Open Access

Voltammetric Trace Analysis of Zn(II)-Pyrithione in Building Materials

Flechsig, Gerd-Uwe; Befolo, Olivier; Kosturkov, Ivan; Ramesh, Aparna (2024)

Poster auf der 19th International Conference on Electroanalysis ESEAC 2024, 23rd - 26th July, in Ulm.

Voltammetric Detection of Platinum in Car Exhaust Fumes in the pg/L Range

Flechsig, Gerd-Uwe; Kosturkov, Ivan; Staude, Kevin; Schröder, Olaf; Befolo, Olivier (2024)

Poster auf der 19th International Conference on Electroanalysis ESEAC 2024, 23rd - 26th July, Ulm .

Architekturpsychologie als Mitgestalterin: Ein neuer Ansatz in der Architektur

Koppen, Gemma (2024)

Vorlesung in der Reihe „Die Kleine Form„ am Institut Mensch & Aesthetik (IMAE) der Hochschule Coburg.

Referat Forschungs- und Drittmittelservice (FDS)

Hochschule Coburg

Friedrich-Streib-Str. 2
96450 Coburg

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