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Tau targeting D-peptides as a potential therapeutic approach for Alzheimer’s Disease

Funke, Susanne A. (2024)

AD/PD Conference 2024, Lissabon.

Selbstfürsorge ist en vogue - aber zu viel davon kann uns schaden

Kohls, Niko (2024)

Focus Online:

Frequency-Resolved High-Frequency Broadband Measurement of Acoustic Longitudinal Waves by Laser-Based Excitation and Detection

Brand, Felix; Drese, Klaus Stefan (2024)

Sensors 24 (5), S. 1630.
DOI: 10.3390/s24051630

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Optoacoustics is a metrology widely used for material characterisation. In this study, a measurement setup for the selective determination of the frequency-resolved phase velocities and attenuations of longitudinal waves over a wide frequency range (3-55 MHz) is presented. The ultrasonic waves in this setup were excited by a pulsed laser within an absorption layer in the thermoelastic regime and directed through a layer of water onto a sample. The acoustic waves were detected using a self-built adaptive interferometer with a photorefractive crystal. The instrument transmits compression waves only, is low-contact, non-destructive, and has a sample-independent excitation. The limitations of the approach were studied both by simulation and experiments to determine how the frequency range and precision can be improved. It was shown that measurements are possible for all investigated materials (silicon, silicone, aluminium, and water) and that the relative error for the phase velocity is less than 0.2%.


Seminar "ChatGPT an der Hochschule"

Holtorf, Christian; Rottmann, Pauline; Hesel, Charlotte (2024)

Beitrag zur vhb-Ideenwerkstatt „KI-Hochschullehre in der Praxis“. Online unter:

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Tree species-specific wood traits control diazotrophic community composition in deadwood

Hossen, Shakhawat; Groß , C.; Stapf, D.; Borken , W.; Noll, Matthias (2024)

International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 187, 105723 .
DOI: 10.1016/j.ibiod.2023.105723

Peer Reviewed

Ziviler Ungehorsam – wo ist Dein Standort? Ein Kurztrip zwischen Mottenkiste, Moral und Verfassungsrecht. In: – Ein Philosophieblog, 27. Februar 2024. (Abrufdatum: 27.2.2024).

Buchholz-Schuster, Eckardt (2024)

Verbesserung der Testqualität mit dem Testing Quality Audit

Reißing, Ralf; Houdek, Frank; Gomringer, Christoph (2024)

In: Dhungana, D.; Lambers, L.; Bonorden, L.; Henning, S. (Hrsg.): Software Engineering 2024 - Companion Proceedings, 21. Workshop Automotive Software Engineering, Linz, Februar 2024, S. 19-30.
DOI: 10.18420/sw2024-ws_02

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Positiv trotz Krisen? Wie Sie Zufriedenheit trainieren können

Kohls, Niko (2024)

Focus Online -

Energieeffizienz industrieller Liegenschaften

Schaub, Michael (2024)

Innovation durch Dialog - "Energie intelligent im Unternehmen managen".


Handlungsfeld Kulturelle Teilhabe – Gelingensbedingungen und gelebte Praxis im kritischen Blick

Gross, Hellen (2024)

Vortrag auf dem virtuellen Netzwerktreffen des Goethe Instituts.


Mirror-image phage display for the selection of D-amino acid peptide ligands as potential therapeutics

Funke, Susanne A.; Malhis, Marwa (2024)

Current Protocolls 2024 (4), S. e957.

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Simulation of Communication Network Latency Effects on Vehicle Teleoperation

Brückner, Christoph; Patiño Studencki, Lucila; Nan, Tianxiang ; Bueyuekoglu, Atakan ...

2023 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC) 2023.
DOI: 10.1109/ITSC57777.2023.10422699

Peer Reviewed

Teleoperation is a fundamental feature for the development of autonomous vehicles. Not only offers it the possibility of an efficient fallback solution for emerging situations that the autonomous vehicle cannot resolve itself but also it potentially offers new business models for transportation service providers. Fundamental to these considerations, however, is the performance of the communication network and the resulting parameters such as latency and bandwidth. These quantities have a critical impact on the ability of a human to perceive the environment, assess the situation and remotely control the vehicle safely and reliably. In this paper, a framework for simulating and evaluating the impact of network parameters on the performance of a remote human driver is presented. Using an example scenario of a shuttle bus route, the effects of latency for the teleoperation use case is evaluated. The local network and the impact on the human driver are modeled in SUMO (Simulation of Urban MObility) and OMNEST. The latency network simulation is validated against real measurement data. The car-following model Extended Intelligent Driver Model (EIDM) and its human driver model are extended so that latency effects can be quantified. The proposed approach has multiple advantages, on the one hand, it allows to evaluate the network suitability for the teleoperation use case. On the other hand, it limit the number of variables to be evaluated in e.g. user studies.


Verbesserte Clear-Sky-Erkennung durch hybrides Maschinelles Lernen

Schönau, Maximilian; Daume, Darwin; Panhuysen, Markus; Schulze, Achim...

7. Regenerative Energietechnik Konferenz in Nordhausen (RET.Con) 7. RET.Con, 2024 (7), S. 145-152.


Die präzise Erkennung von Clear-Sky-Momenten ist für die Überwachung und Effizienzana-lyse von Photovoltaikanlagen von zentraler Bedeutung, da zu diesen Zeitpunkten definierte und model-lierbare Einstrahlungsverhältnisse herrschen. Es wird ein hybrides Modell zur verbesserten Erkennung von Clear-Sky-Momenten auf Basis von Einstrahlungsdaten vorgestellt. Hierfür wurden zunächst ma-nuell, dann mithilfe eines CNNs Merkmale aus den Einstrahlungsdaten gebildet. Eine Falls tudie mit Referenzdaten belegt, dass durch die Kombination dieser wissens-und datengetriebenen Methoden Clear-Sky-Momente zuverlässiger identifiziert werden können. Dadurch können Analysemethoden schneller und zuverlässiger Aussagen über die untersuchten PV-Anlagen treffen.


Biological nitrogen fixation, diversity and community structure of diazotrophs in two mosses in 25 temperate forests

Groß , C.; Hossen, Shakhawat; Dittrich, S.; Knorr, K.-H.; Borken , W....

Environmental Microbiology 26, e16555.
DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.16555

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Ai-Aided Design

Markert, Michael (2024) 2024.



Meißner, Karin; Grubert, Jens (2024)

Interview im TV Oberfranken, Sendung xxx, 31.01.2024.

Poultry litter biochar soil amendment affects microbial community structures, promotes phosphorus cycling and growth of barley (Hordeum vulgare).

Deinert, L.; Hossen, Shakhawat; Ikoyi, I.; Kwapinksi, W.; Noll, Matthias...

European Journal of Soil Biology 120, 103591.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ejsobi.2023.103591

Peer Reviewed

Autoshuttle: A Novel Dataset for Advancing Autonomous Driving in Shuttle-Specific Environments

Zhou, Lixian; Salaar, Hamza; Schmidt, Michael; Dehghani, Ali; Arbeiter, Georg (2024)

2024 IEEE 22nd World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI) 2024, S. 383-390.
DOI: 10.1109/SAMI60510.2024.10432901

Peer Reviewed

Active soil microbial composition and proliferation are directly affected by the presence of biocides from building materials

Reiß, Fabienne; Kiefer, Nadine; Purahong, Witoon; Borken , W.; Kalkhof, Stefan...

Science of the Total Environment 912, 168689.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168689

Peer Reviewed

Sicherer Fahrgastbetrieb mit automatisierten Shuttles in der Shuttle-Modellregion Oberfranken: Analysen, Maßnahmen und Erfahrungen

Reißing, Ralf; Bohnen, Katharina; Breithut, Lisa (2024)

Zeitschrift für Verkehrssicherheit (ZVS) 2024 (1), S. 9-16.

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