Feels like home: A biobased and biodegradable plastic offers a novel habitat for diverse plant pathogenic fungi in temperate forest ecosystems

Titel Feels like home: A biobased and biodegradable plastic offers a novel habitat for diverse plant pathogenic fungi in temperate forest ecosystems
Medien Microbial Ecology
Heft 87
Band 2024
Verfasser Parada Nonthijun, Benjawan Tanunchai, Simon Andreas Schroeter , S. F. M. Wahdan, G. E. Alves , Ines Hilke , F. Buscot, Ernst-Detlef Schulze, Terd Disayathanoowat, W. Purahong, Prof. Dr. Matthias Noll
Seiten 155
Veröffentlichungsdatum 10.12.2024
Projekttitel Club-PLASTICS
Zitation Nonthijun, Parada; Tanunchai, Benjawan; Schroeter , Simon Andreas; Wahdan, S. F. M.; Alves , G. E.; Hilke , Ines; Buscot, F.; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef ; Disayathanoowat, Terd; Purahong, W.; Noll, Matthias (2024): Feels like home: A biobased and biodegradable plastic offers a novel habitat for diverse plant pathogenic fungi in temperate forest ecosystems. Microbial Ecology 2024 (87), 155. DOI: 10.1007/s00248-024-02466-0.