Responsive image

PATHFINDER-CHD: prospective registry on adults with congenital heart disease, abnormal ventricular function, and/or heart failure as a foundation for establishing rehabilitative, prehabilitative, preventive, and health-promoting measures: rationale, aims, design and methods.

Freilinger, Sebastian; Kohls, Niko; Kaemmerer, Harald (2024)

BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 24, 181 (1).
DOI: 10.1186/s12872-024-03833-y

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Homo Narrans: From Information to Narratives

Leidner, Jochen L. (2024)

Invited Keynote, Seventh International Workshop on Narrative Extraction from Texts (Text2Story 2024) held in conjunction with the 46th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2024), Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 23 March 2024.


Enzymatic machinery of wood-inhabiting fungi that degrade temperate tree species

Kipping, Lydia; Jehmlich, N.; Moll, Julia; Noll, Matthias; Gossner, Martin M....

The ISME Journal 2024/18/1, wrae050.
DOI: 10.1093/ismejo/wrae050

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Mesh shaders on AMD RDNA™ graphics cards: Procedural grass rendering

Faber, Carsten; Kuth, Bastian; Oberberger, Max; Meyer, Quirin (2024)

Open Access

Wärmepumpen in Mehrfamilienhäusern – Mythen & Einsatzmöglichkeiten bzw. -grenzen

Schaub, Michael (2024)

Online-Infoveranstaltung der ENERGIEregion Nürnberg e.V..


Die Superkraft der Resilienz: Wie wir lernen, gesund & stark zu bleiben

Kohls, Niko (2024)

Gefangen in der Positivitätsfalle: Wann das Immer-Glücklich-Sein gefährlich wird

Kohls, Niko (2024)

Gefangen in der Positivitätsfalle: Wann das Immer-Glücklich-Sein gefährlich wird.

Die Entwicklung von individueller, gesellschaftlicher und planetarischer Resilienz - Achtsamkeit und ihre Bedeutsamkeit für Umwelt-, Klimaschutz und Nachhaltigkeit

Kohls, Niko; Pollan, Sandra; Heinrich, Michael (2024)

Peer Reviewed

Mesh shaders on AMD RDNA™ graphics cards: Font- and vector-art rendering with mesh shaders

Kuth, Bastian; Oberberger, Max; Meyer, Quirin (2024)

Open Access

Wärmepumpen im Wohngebäude-Bestand– Kältemittel, Einsatzgrenzen, Hybridsysteme

Schaub, Michael (2024)

Online-Tagung des BTGA „BEG und Großwärmepumpen - Übersicht und aktuelle Informationen“.
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29962.27847

Open Access

Tau targeting D-peptides as a potential therapeutic approach for Alzheimer’s Disease

Funke, Susanne A. (2024)

AD/PD Conference 2024, Lissabon.

Clinical Social Work in Germany: Development, current state and future challenges

Pauls, Helmut; Gabriel, Maite; Kröger, Christine; Wesenberg, Sandra; Gahleitner, S. (2024)

1. Aufl., ZKS Medien Verlag, Höchberg.

Peer Reviewed

Selbstfürsorge ist en vogue - aber zu viel davon kann uns schaden

Kohls, Niko (2024)

Focus Online:

Frequency-Resolved High-Frequency Broadband Measurement of Acoustic Longitudinal Waves by Laser-Based Excitation and Detection

Brand, Felix; Drese, Klaus Stefan (2024)

Sensors 24 (5), S. 1630.
DOI: 10.3390/s24051630

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Optoacoustics is a metrology widely used for material characterisation. In this study, a measurement setup for the selective determination of the frequency-resolved phase velocities and attenuations of longitudinal waves over a wide frequency range (3-55 MHz) is presented. The ultrasonic waves in this setup were excited by a pulsed laser within an absorption layer in the thermoelastic regime and directed through a layer of water onto a sample. The acoustic waves were detected using a self-built adaptive interferometer with a photorefractive crystal. The instrument transmits compression waves only, is low-contact, non-destructive, and has a sample-independent excitation. The limitations of the approach were studied both by simulation and experiments to determine how the frequency range and precision can be improved. It was shown that measurements are possible for all investigated materials (silicon, silicone, aluminium, and water) and that the relative error for the phase velocity is less than 0.2%.


Seminar "ChatGPT an der Hochschule"

Holtorf, Christian; Rottmann, Pauline; Hesel, Charlotte (2024)

Beitrag zur vhb-Ideenwerkstatt „KI-Hochschullehre in der Praxis“. Online unter:

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Tree species-specific wood traits control diazotrophic community composition in deadwood

Hossen, Shakhawat; Groß , C.; Stapf, D.; Borken , W.; Noll, Matthias (2024)

International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 187, 105723 .
DOI: 10.1016/j.ibiod.2023.105723

Peer Reviewed

Ziviler Ungehorsam – wo ist Dein Standort? Ein Kurztrip zwischen Mottenkiste, Moral und Verfassungsrecht. In: – Ein Philosophieblog, 27. Februar 2024. (Abrufdatum: 27.2.2024).

Buchholz-Schuster, Eckardt (2024)

Verbesserung der Testqualität mit dem Testing Quality Audit

Reißing, Ralf; Houdek, Frank; Gomringer, Christoph (2024)

In: Dhungana, D.; Lambers, L.; Bonorden, L.; Henning, S. (Hrsg.): Software Engineering 2024 - Companion Proceedings, 21. Workshop Automotive Software Engineering, Linz, Februar 2024, S. 19-30.
DOI: 10.18420/sw2024-ws_02

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Positiv trotz Krisen? Wie Sie Zufriedenheit trainieren können

Kohls, Niko (2024)

Focus Online -

Energieeffizienz industrieller Liegenschaften

Schaub, Michael (2024)

Innovation durch Dialog - "Energie intelligent im Unternehmen managen".


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