Kohls, Niko (2023)
Keynote 3. Direktorentagung für die Gymnasien in Oberfranken im Schuljahr 2022/2023, Kloster Banz, 19.06.2023..
Demmler, Uwe (2023)
Steuerrecht aktuell 2023 (1), S. 59-62.
Demmler, Uwe (2023)
Steuerrecht aktuell 2023 (1), S. 62-64.
Demmler, Uwe (2023)
Steuerrecht aktuell 2023 (1), S. 73-76.
Demmler, Uwe (2023)
Steuerrecht aktuell 2023 (1), S. 145-148.
Sammeth, Michael; Ursache, Nicu-Cosmin; Alboaie, Sînică (2023)
Frontiers in Blockchain 2023/6, 1126978.
DOI: 10.3389/fbloc.2023.1126978
Introduction: Distributed ledger networks, chiefly those based on blockchain technologies, currently are heralding a next-generation of computer systems that aims to suit modern users’ demands. Over the recent years, several technologies for blockchains, off-chaining strategies, as well as decentralised and respectively self-sovereign identity systems have shot up so fast that standardisation of the protocols is lagging behind, severely hampering the interoperability of different approaches. Moreover, most of the currently available solutions for distributed ledgers focus on either home users or enterprise use case scenarios, failing to provide integrative solutions addressing the needs of both.
Methods: Herein, we introduce the OpenDSU platform that allows to interoperate generic blockchain technologies, organised–and possibly cascaded in a hierarchical fashion–in domains. To achieve this flexibility, we seamlessly integrated a set of well conceived components that orchestrate off-chain data and provide granularly resolved and cryptographically secure access levels, intrinsically nested with sovereign identities across the different domains. The source code and extensive documentation of all OpenDSU components described herein are publicly available under the MIT open-source licence at https://opendsu.com.
Results: Employing our platform to PharmaLedger, an inter-European network for the standardisation of data handling in the pharmaceutical industry and in healthcare, we demonstrate that OpenDSU can cope with generic demands of heterogeneous use cases in both, performance and handling substantially different business policies.
Discussion: Importantly, whereas available solutions commonly require a pre-defined and fixed set of components, no such vendor lock-in restrictions on the blockchain technology or identity system exist in OpenDSU, making systems built on it flexibly adaptable to new standards evolving in the future.
Meißner, Karin (2023)
IMPULSTAGUNG 2.0 -PSYCHISCHE GESUNDHEIT SICHTBAR MACHEN, Klinische Abteilung für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapeutische Medizin, Universitätsklinikum Graz, 14.06.2023.
Jacob, Carmen; Olliges, Elisabeth; Haile, A.; Hoffmann, Verena; Jacobi, Benjamin; Steinkopf, L.; Lanz, M.; Wittmann, M.; Tschöp, M. H.; Meißner, Karin (2023)
Jacob, Carmen; Olliges, Elisabeth; Haile, A.; Hoffmann, Verena; Jacobi, Benjamin...
Scientific Reports 13, 9908 (1).
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-36296-w
Uddehal, Shabhrish; Strutz, Tilo; Och, Hannah; Kaup, André (2023)
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'23), 4-10 June 2023, Rhodes Island, Greece 2023.
In recent years, it has been found that screen content images (SCI) can be effectively compressed based on appropriate probability modelling and suitable entropy coding methods such as arithmetic coding. The key objective is determining the best probability distribution for each pixel position. This strategy works particularly well for images with synthetic (textual) content. However, usually screen content images not only consist of synthetic but also pictorial (natural) regions. These images require diverse models of probability distributions to be optimally compressed. One way to achieve this goal is to separate synthetic and natural regions. This paper proposes a segmentation method that identifies natural regions enabling better adaptive treatment. It supplements a compression method known as Soft Context Formation (SCF) and operates as a pre-processing step. If at least one natural segment is found within the SCI, it is split into two subimages (natural and synthetic parts) and the process of modelling and coding is performed separately for both. For SCIs with natural regions, the proposed method achieves a bit-rate reduction of up to 11.6% and 1.52% with respect to HEVC and the previous version of the SCF.
Waibl, Paula; Rothenhäusler, Lena; Nöfer, Eberhard; Meißner, Karin (2023)
Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung 19, S. 250–258 .
DOI: 10.1007/s11553-023-01047-2
Jäger, Tamara; Kohls, Niko (2023)
In M. S. Staller, B. Zaiser, & S. Koerner (Eds.), Handbuch Polizeipsychologie: Wissenschaftliche Perspektiven und praktische Anwendungen., S. 189-208.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-40118-4_10
Jäger, Tamara; Kohls, Niko (2023)
In: S. Staller, M., Zaiser, B., Koerner, S. (eds) Handbuch Polizeipsychologie. .
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-40118-4_17
Zagel, Christian (2023)
Schaub, Michael (2023)
Berliner Zeitung 125 (Freitag, 02. Juni 2023), S. 2.
Heinrich, Michael; Kohls, Niko (2023)
Bewusstseinswissenschaften. Transpersonale Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 2/2023. Ed.: Liane Hofmann. Petersberg: Vianova Verlag. 2023 / 2.
Hamberger, Jens; Hinterberger, T.; Loew, T.; Meißner, Karin; Beschoner, Petra; Roder, Eva; Weimer, K. (2023)
Hamberger, Jens; Hinterberger, T.; Loew, T.; Meißner, Karin; Beschoner, Petra...
ePoster, Deutscher Kongress für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie (DKPM), 22-24.06.2022, Berlin.
Eggers, Christine; Olliges, Elisabeth; Böck, Stefan; Kruger, Stefan; Uhl, Waldemar; Meißner, Karin (2023)
Eggers, Christine; Olliges, Elisabeth; Böck, Stefan; Kruger, Stefan; Uhl, Waldemar...
Complementary Medicine Research.
DOI: 10.1159/000529865
Schaub, Michael (2023)
TGA-Kongress, 23.-24.05.2023 in Berlin .
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17962.80328
Hardy, Anne; Kraft, Jana; Baustädter, Verena; Bögel-Witt, Martina; Krassnig, Katharina; Ziegler, Birgit; Meißner, Karin (2023)
Hardy, Anne; Kraft, Jana; Baustädter, Verena; Bögel-Witt, Martina; Krassnig, Katharina...
Posterpräsentation auf dem Wissenschaftstag des 54. TCM Kongresses Rothenburg o.d.T..
Touissant, L.; Sirios , F. ; Hirsch, J. K.; Weber, Annemarie; Schelling, J.; Kohls, Niko; Offenbächer, M. (2023)
Touissant, L.; Sirios , F. ; Hirsch, J. K.; Weber, Annemarie; Schelling, J....
Quality of Life Research, 26(9), 2449-2457. doi:10.1007/s11136-017-1604-7.
DOI: https://doi.org.10.1007/s11136-017-1604-7
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