Responsive image

FungalTraits vs. FUNGuilds: Comparison of ecological functional assignments of leaf- and needle-associated fungi across 12 temperate tree species

Tanunchai, Benjawan; Ji, Li; Wahdan, S. F. M.; Hossen, Shakhawat; Delelegn, Y....

Microbial Ecology 85, 01973-2, S. 411–428.
DOI: 10.1007/s00248-022-01973-2

Open Access Peer Reviewed

A novel D-amino acid peptide targeting full length Tau as a potential therapeutic substance for Tauopathies

Aillaud, Isabelle; Kaniyappan, S.; Chandupatla, R.R.; Ramirez, L.-M....

Tau2022 Global Conference, online, 22./23.02.2022.

Ergebnisse der Mitgliederbefragungen der Ärztlichen und Offenen Schule der SMS im Frühjahr 2022

Waibl, Paula; Engelhardt, Ute; Nögel, Rainer; Hempen, Moritz; Meißner, Karin (2023)

Chinesische Medizin 38 (1), S. 30-39.
DOI: 10.1007/s00052-023-00074-8

Open Access

Taste matters: Mapping expectancy-based appetitive placebo effects onto the brain

Khalid, Iraj; Rodrigues, Belina; Dreyfus, Hippolyte; Frileux, Solene; Meißner, Karin...

bioRxiv (Pre-print).
DOI: 10.1101/2023.02.14.527858

Open Access

Highly Sensitive Photoacoustic NO 2 Measurement System Based on an Optimized Ring-Shaped Resonant Cell

Fort, Ada; Mugnaini, Marco; Panzardi, Enza; Vignoli, Valerio; Dötzer, Florian...

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 2023 (72), S. 1-10.
DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2023.3244222

Peer Reviewed

Re-Designing the Wheel for Systematic Travelling Salesmen

Strutz, Tilo (2023)

Algorithms 2023, 91 (2).
DOI: 10.3390/a16020091

Open Access Peer Reviewed

This paper investigates the systematic and complete usage of k-opt permutations with
k = 2 . . . 6 in application to local optimization of symmetric two-dimensional instances up to
107 points. The proposed method utilizes several techniques for accelerating the processing, such that
good tours can be achieved in limited time: candidates selection based on Delaunay triangulation,
precomputation of a sparse distance matrix, two-level data structure, and parallel processing based
on multithreading. The proposed approach finds good tours (excess of 0.72–8.68% over best-known
tour) in a single run within 30 min for instances with more than 105 points and specifically 3.37% for
the largest examined tour containing 107 points. The new method proves to be competitive with a
state-of-the-art approach based on the Lin–Kernigham–Helsgaun method (LKH) when applied to
clustered instances.


Was ist Achtsamkeit?

Kohls, Niko (2023)

ImpulsvortrIag im Rahmen der Creapolis-„Was-ist...“-Reihe der Hochschule Coburg, Creapolis Makerspace, 6.2.2023.

Motor Interference of Incongruent Hand Motions in HRI Depends on Movement Velocity

Mertcan, Kaya; Kühnlenz, Kolja Ernst (2023)

International Conference on Social Robotics. ICSR 2022. 13817, S. 335-343.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-24667-8_30

Peer Reviewed

Erklärbare Künstliche Intelligenz am Beispiel von Ratings deutscher Lebensversicherungsunternehmen

Bartel, Holger; Kraft, Mirko; Leidner, Jochen L. (2023)

Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft 112 (1), S. 1-30.

Peer Reviewed

Extreme Wrong Committed by National and Supranational Inactivity / Extremes Unrecht durch national- und überstaatliches Unterlassen. Analyzing the Mediterranean Migrant Crisis and Climate Change from a Legal Philosophical Perspective. Eine Analyse der mediterranen Migrantenkrise und des Klimawandels aus rechtsphilosophischer Perspektive. 2., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage.

Buchholz-Schuster, Eckardt (2023)

DOI: 10.35998/9783830555452


Energieeffizienz von Rückförderpumpen in Meerwasser-Aquarien. Teil 2: Pumpen-Auswahl.

Schaub, Michael (2023)

Korallenriff-Magazin 12, S. 16-22.
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35316.42886

Open Access

Selbst- und Fremdführung durch Achtsamkeit und die Ausbildung von Resilienz: Lebensqualität durch gesundheitsförderlichen Umgang mit Stress durch achtsamkeitsbasierte Verfahren

Kohls, Niko (2023)

Interdisziplinäres Therapeutentreffen Oberfranken: Praxis Dr. Michael Pampel, Coburg, 1.2.2023..

Consumer Experience Through the Use of Mixed Reality in Shopping Environments

Zagel, Christian (2023)

Multisensory in Statonary Retail - Principles and Practice of Customer-Centered Store Design, S. 201-214.

Placebo in der Schmerzmedizin

Meißner, Karin (2023)

Vortrag auf der externen Schmerzkonferenz mit Qualitätszirkel 2023, Schön Klinik Bad Staffelstein / alphaMED Bamberg.

Identifying key parameters through a sensitivity analysis for realistic hygrothermal simulations at wall level supported by monitored data

Panico, Simone; Larcher, Marco; Marincioni, Valentina; Troi, Alexandra...

Building and Environment, 229, 109969 2023, 109969.
DOI: 10.3390/buildings12081258

Open Access Peer Reviewed

The reliability of hygrothermal simulations of building components is key for designing energy efficiency measures, assessing living comfort, and preventing building damage. The model accuracy is related to the reliability of the selection of input parameters. Due to the high uncertainty, the selection of the input values is challenging. This work aims to calibrate a hygrothermal simulation model exploiting monitored values recorded in a case study located in Settequerce (Italy), to understand how close to reality a numerical model can be. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis, based on the Morris method together with a Latin Hypercube sampling, is applied to identify the input parameters that affect most significantly the simulation. The results of the calibration indicated that is possible to obtain reliable outputs by appropriately selecting materials within the database. The sensitivity analysis showed that the relative humidity under the insulation is largely influenced by the water vapor diffusion resistance factor of the plaster, applied during the renovation phase both on the internal and external side. Among the coefficients describing the coupling with the boundary conditions, only the external convective heat coefficient and the coefficient of short-wave solar radiation influence slightly the objective function.


Erstellung eines Fragebogens zur Evaluation der Lehre im Bereich der Naturheilverfahren (NHV) und Kommunikation im Medizinwesen (KIM)

Meißner, Karin (2023)

Teilnahme an Konsensuskonferenz, Fachbereich Integrative Medizin, Universitätsklinikum Ulm, Deutschland.


Phillips, Mark ; Donhauser, A. (2023)

Awakening the Management of Coworking Spaces, Emerald, 2023.



Phillips, Mark (2023)

Awakening the Management of Coworking Spaces, Emerald, 2023.



Phillips, Mark (2023)

FAcetten 2023 (1), S. 16-17.


Alzheimer-Demenz – neue therapeutische Optionen?

Funke, Susanne A. (2023)

Lehrerfortbildung, Hochschule Coburg.

ForschungsTransferCenter (FTC)

Hochschule Coburg

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