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Eluates from facades at the beginning of their service time affect aquatic and sediment organisms

Kiefer, Nadine; Nichterlein, Moritz; Reiß, Fabienne; Runge, M.; Biermann, U....

Science of the Total Environment. 906, 167531.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.167531

Peer Reviewed

Technologien des Sports. Körper, Praktiken und Diskurse im historschen Wandel

Holtorf, Christian; Stieglitz, Olaf (2024)


Prinzip Erfolg – Zur Wissenschaftskommunikation des Sports

Holtorf, Christian (2024)

in: Christian Holtorf/Olaf Stieglitz (Hg.): "Technologien des Sports. Körper, Praktiken und Diskurse im historschen Wandel". Bamberg: Erich Weiß Verlag, S. 113-121. 2024.

Mapping expectancy-based appetitive placebo effects onto the brain in women

Khalid, Iraj ; Rodrigues, Belina ; Dreyfus, Hippolyte ; Frileux, Solène ...

Nature Communications 15, 248, S. 1-16.
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-44569-1

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Gamechanger für die Wärmewende: R290 und R32 in Wärmepumpen – Anwendung im Wohngebäudebestand

Schaub, Michael (2024)

cci Zeitung 2024 (01), S. 12-13.


Kleinschmidts Karten: Der Beitrag eines Herrnhuters zur Erschließung Grönlands

Holtorf, Christian (2024)

In: Wolfgang Breul (Hg.): Die Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. Theologie – Geschichte – Wirkung, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 2024, S. 607-627.
DOI: 10.13109/9783666565618.607

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Leadership as a Mental Shield: How Leaders of Specialised Police Units Can Promote Inner Resilience and Mental Stability.

Jäger, Tamara; Giordano, J.; Kohls, Niko (2023)

, S. 401-425.

Peer Reviewed

Übertragung von Assets eines Investmentfonds i. S. des Kapitel 2 des InvStG auf einen neuen Investmentfonds im Rahmen einer Abspaltung

Demmler, Uwe (2023)

Steuerrecht aktuell 2023 (2), S. 73-76.

Zum Vorliegen eines Steuerstundungsmodells i. S. des § 15b EStG bei Einzelinvestition

Demmler, Uwe (2023)

Steuerrecht aktuell 2023 (2), S. 87-90.

Die Zinsschranke (§ 4h EStG) gilt nur für Vergütungen, die Entgelte für die zeitlich begrenzte Zurverfügungstellung von Fremdkapital sind

Demmler, Uwe (2023)

Steuerrecht aktuell 2023 (2), S. 90-92.

Haftung für Lohnsteuer – Zufluss von Arbeitslohn bei Wertguthaben

Demmler, Uwe (2023)

Steuerrecht aktuell 2023 (2), S. 104-108.

Versorgungszahlung und Geschäftsführergehalt

Demmler, Uwe (2023)

Steuerrecht aktuell 2023 (2), S. 119-122.

Guided Acoustic Waves in Polymer Rods with Varying Immersion Depth in Liquid

Lutter, Klaus; Backer, Alexander; Drese, Klaus Stefan (2023)

Sensors 2023 (23), S. 9892.
DOI: 10.3390/s23249892

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Enhancing Availability of Autonomous Shuttle Services: A Conceptual Approach towards Challenges and Opportunities

Salaar, Hamza; Dehghani, Ali; Zhou, Lixian; Srinivasan, Priya; Patiño Studencki, Lucila...

Tagung Automatisiertes Fahren.

Peer Reviewed

D-peptides targeting PHF6* and PHF6 of Tau as potential therapeutic approaches for Alzheimer’s Disease

Funke, Susanne A.; Aillaud, Isabelle; Malhis, Marwa; Kaniyappan, S.; Chandupatla, R.R....

Düsseldorf/Jülich-Symposium 2024, Düsseldorf.

Enhancing Media Literacy in Higher Education

Sedelmaier, Yvonne; Erculei, E.; Landes, Dieter (2023)

Learning in the Age of Digital and Green Transition. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 633, S. 390-399.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-26876-2_36

Peer Reviewed

Digitalisation affects all areas of our private and professional lives, posing new requirements to cope with new technologies and the possibilities they offer. New competences are needed formastering these challenges. Consequently, digital transition affects learning substantially. One of the competences that gain increasing importance through digital transition is media literacy. This paper tries to answer the question of how we can devise learning settings that foster media literacy in higher education. It does so by analyzing media literacy itself on the one hand, and learning settings in higher education which addressmedia literacy on the other hand. Key findings are that media literacy is not precisely characterized yet and that learning settings often do not addressmedia literacy as a main competence goal. To that end, recommendations for developing suitable competence-oriented learning settings in media literacy education at universities are given.


Steps towards Enabling Health Professionals through Future Skills

Sedelmaier, Y.; Landes, Dieter (2023)

Proc. 9th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’23) 2023, S. 701-708.
DOI: 10.4995/HEAd23.2023.16345

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Education in healthcare must enable professionals to work in the health sector for as long and as fulfilled as possible. Yet, new requirements are constantly
arising in the health sector, which continuously change the required competences, e.g. due to new technological possibilities and increasing
interdisciplinarity. Several challenges arise: education in healthcare needs awareness of required competences and their rapid change. At the same time,
addressing them in education presupposes an in-depth understanding of what they actually are.
To tackle these issues, a teaching concept was developed that builds on selfreflection of to-be professionals in healthcare. This concept includes characterizing typical professional situations and deducing required (future) competences for mastering these situations.
Beyond rising awareness to future skills, applying this teaching concept also yields data that support a better understanding of required competences and their importance across professions. A case study resulted in initial competence profiles for several professions in healthcare.


Future Skills in Software Engineering and Health Care – Similar but Different

Sedelmaier, Y.; Landes, Dieter (2023)

Proc. 26th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning / 52nd Int. Conf. on Engineering Pedagogy (ICL2023) 2023, S. 1025-1036.

Peer Reviewed

In order to cope with current disruptive technical and societal transfor-mations, e.g. through digitalization or AI, new competences, commonly called future skills, are indispensable for everyday as well as for professional life. Many organizations, large and small, work on defining a set of future skills. This might imply that future skills are generic and identical across all professions. In contrast, it is a consensus in pedagogical research that generic competences are spe-cifically shaped by the professional environment. Clearly, these two positions contradict each other. But what does this contradiction mean for future skills?
This research rests on the assumption that these context-sensitive generic competences including future skills are developed differently for each occupational field. In order to be able to offer target- and competence-oriented teaching, target competences must be known in the first place, taking into account the specific professional characteristics, currently and in the future.
This paper provides evidence that the initial assumption of context-specific competences is true by collecting and comparing qualitative research data. To do so, qualitative data was collected for different occupations, in particular software engineering and health care.
Our research shows that in fact each profession expresses competences specifically, and this applies to technical as well as non-technical competences.
The details of relevant competences need to be identified and characterized as a prerequisite for being able to devise and offer competence-oriented learning approaches.

Refugees and Art: Tailor-Made Integrative Art Projects by Identifying Citizen Target Groups

Schwarz , Nicole; Gross, Hellen; Cramer von Clausbruch , Stefanie; Hary , Katharina ...

25 (2), S. 16-33.

Peer Reviewed

Cuticular microbiome composition of Osmia bicornis is different to Apis mellifera honeybees

Thamm, M.; Reiß, Fabienne; Sohl, Leon; Gabel, M.; Noll, Matthias; Scheiner, Ricarda (2023)

MDPI microorganisms 11, 2780.
DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms11112780

Open Access Peer Reviewed

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