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Design Thinking – the good, the bad & the ugly

Zagel, Christian (2021)

Coburg, Designer Treff, Coburger DesignForum Oberfranken e.V..

Future Design – Consumer Experience im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung

Zagel, Christian (2021)

München, Munich Creative Business Week.

Innovationskultur in der VUCA Welt

Zagel, Christian (2021)

Würzburg, Comma Innovation Day.

Advanced Sercvices Management – Retail Innovation

Zagel, Christian (2021)

Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Gastvortrag.

Low-Cost Prothesenbau

Zagel, Christian (2021)

Coburg, Vortragsreihe „Prothesen“.

Lebens- und Erlebnisräume für Senioren und Studierende, Workshop

Zagel, Christian (2021)

Coburg, SeniorenUni.

Kollisionen – Raum für Kreativität und Innovationen im Büro

Phillips, Mark (2021)

Hg: Jürgen Krahl und Josef Löffl, Cuvillier Verlag, 2016 8.


Können Volkshochschulen „gesundheitliche Chancengleichheit “? Ein Erfahrungsbericht aus Nürnberg zum Projekt „Gesunde Südstadt “

Pfeifer , Gabi; Walter, Verena ; John, Dennis; Kohls, Niko; Röhrich, Christina (2021)

Hessische Blätter für Volksbildung, 4, 94–104., S. 94-104.

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Der Placebo-Effekt – Die Macht der Gedanken

Meißner, Karin (2021)

Eingeladener Vortrag, Veranstaltungsreihe "Die menschliche Psyche – Verhaltensforschung", Studium Generale, VHS Coburg.

Optimization of Probability Distributions for Residual Coding of Screen Content

Och, Hannah; Strutz, Tilo; Kaup, André (2021)

VCIP 2021, Munich, 5-8 December 2021.
DOI: 10.1109/VCIP53242.2021.9675326

Peer Reviewed

Probability distribution modeling is the basis for most competitive methods for lossless coding of screen content. One such state-of-the-art method is known as soft context formation (SCF). For each pixel to be encoded, a probability distribution is estimated based on the neighboring pattern and the occurrence of that pattern in the already encoded image. Using an arithmetic coder, the pixel color can thus be encoded very efficiently, provided that the current color has been observed before in association with a similar pattern. If this is not the case, the color is instead encoded using a color palette or, if it is still unknown, via residual coding. Both palette-based coding and residual coding have significantly worse compression efficiency than coding based on soft context formation. In this paper, the residual coding stage is improved by adaptively trimming the probability distributions for the residual error. Furthermore, an enhanced probability modeling for indicating a new color depending on the occurrence of new colors in the neighborhood is proposed. These modifications result in a bitrate reduction of up to 2.9% on average. Compared to HEVC (HM-16.21 + SCM-8.8) and FLIF, the improved SCF method saves on average about 11% and 18% rate, respectively.


Happy during crises: Leveraging wellbeing through volunteering

Nolte, Isabella ; Gross, Hellen (2021)

European Research Network On Philanthropy (ERNOP), 10th International Conference, 2.-.3 Dezember 2021, virtuell .

Impact of climatic parameters on rain protection layer design for refurbished historic buildings

Bottino-Leone, Dario; Larcher, Marco; Troi, Alexandra; Grunewald, John (2021)

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 152.
DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2021.111688

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Kleinschmidts Karten: der Beitrag eines Herrnhuters zur Erschließung Grönlands

Holtorf, Christian (2021)

Vortrag auf der Tagung „Die Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine als Faktor für religiöse und kulturelle Innovation im 18. Jahrh.“, Tagungshaus Komenský Herrnhut.

A Pilot Study of a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Programme in Patients Suffering from Atopic Dermatitis

Offenbächer, M.; Seitlinger , Michael ; Münch , Daniela ; Schnopp , Christina ...

3 (4), S. 663-672.
DOI: 10.3390/psych3040042

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Identification of the key determinants to reduce alcohol consumption among young adults

Benning, Anna; Alberternst, Christiane; Hößelbarth, Susann; Scheibe , Matthias ...

Benning, A.; Alberternst C.; Hößelbarth, S.; Scheibe, M.; Hassel, H. (2021). Identification of the key determinants to reduce alcohol consumption among young adults. Posterbeitrag. European Public Health Conference vom 10. bis 12. November 2021, online.

"Heißt es Roboter*innen? Gender-Gaps diverser Maschinen

Holtorf, Christian (2021)

Vortrag beim Philosophischen Café der Hochschule Coburg.

Shuttle-Modellregion Oberfranken: Forschung im Realbetrieb

Reißing, Ralf; Wilde, Mathias; Wige, E.; Abeler , L.; Lindner , P.; Piechaczyk , F. (2021)

Der Nahverkehr - Öffentlicher Personenverkehr in Stadt und Region (11), S. 49-55.

Dynamic Managerial Capabilities and Relationships: The Role of Social Relations in Strategic Change

Hartmann, Michael; Vodosek, M. (2021)

Dynamic Capabilities and Relationships: Discourses, Concepts, and Reflections 2021, S. 45-73.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-83182-0_3

Open Access

Identification of key determinants to reduce alcohol consumption among young adults

Wolf, Alina ; Alberternst, Christiane; Hößelbarth, Susann; Scheibe , Matthias ...

European Journal of Public Health 2023 (31 Supplement 3).
DOI: 10.1093/eurpub/ckab165.397

Peer Reviewed

Placebo, nocebo: Believing in the field of medicine

Meißner, Karin (2021)

Vortrag, Internationale Tagung "Creditions - an interdisciplinary challenge", Hannover, Deutschland.

ForschungsTransferCenter (FTC)

Hochschule Coburg

ForschungsTransferCenter (FTC)
Friedrich-Streib-Str. 2
96450 Coburg

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Monika Schnabel
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