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Reduction of Alzheimer’s Disease Amyloid Plaque Load in Transgenic Mice by D3, a D-Enantiomeric Peptide Identified by Mirror Image Phage Display

van Groen, Thomas; Wiesehan , Katja ; Funke, Susanne A.; Kadish, Inga...

ChemMedChem Volume 3, Issue 12 3, 12, S. 1848-1852.
DOI: 10.1002/cmdc.200800273

Open Access Peer Reviewed

The relationship between spiritual experiences, transpersonal trust, social support, and sense of coherence and mental distress-a comparison of spiritually practising and non-practising samples

Kohls, Niko; Walach, H.; Wirtz, M. (2008)

Mental Health, Religion & Culture 12 (1), 1–23.

Peer Reviewed

The Self, Suffering and Spirituality

Giordano, J.; Kohls, Niko (2008)

Mind & Matter, 6 (2), 179 – 191., S. 179-191.

Peer Reviewed

The impact of positive and negative spiritual experiences on distress and the moderating role of mindfulness

Kohls, Niko; Walach, H.; Lewith, G. (2008)

The Archive for the Psychology of Religion, 31, 1-18., S. 1-18.

Peer Reviewed

An ultra sensitive assay for early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease

Funke, Susanne A.; Birkmann, Eva; Henke, Franziska; Görtz, Philipp...

Rejuvenation Research 2008 (11), S. 315-318.

Peer Reviewed

Glossar des Urbanen Raums

Urban Research Institute, et. al.; Markert, Michael; Winter, Georg (2008)

2008, S. 1-64.

Lack of Spiritual Practice -an important risk factor for suffering from distress

Kohls, Niko; Walach, H. (2008)

Newsletter 25. Spirituality and Psychiatry Special Interest Group, Royal College of Psychiatrists. [].

Study investigating the frequency and types of liberty-depriving methods used against elderly individuals in need of residential care

Berzlanovich, A.; Kohls, Niko (2008)

WEAAD 2008 in Bavaria, www.inpea/WEAAD.

Spiritualität als Ressource – Einige wissenschaftliche Befunde. Schwerpunktheft „Spiritualität und Gesundheit“

Walach, H.; Kohls, Niko (2008)

Prävention –Zeitschrift für Gesundheitsförderung, 2, 43 -47. , S. 43-47.

Peer Reviewed

A highly sensitive diagnostic assay for aggregate-related diseases, including prion diseases and Alzheimer's disease

Birkmann, Eva; Henke, Franziska; Funke, Susanne A.; Bannach , Oliver; Riesner, Detlev...

Rejuvenation Research 11, 2, S. 359-363..
DOI: 10.1089/rej.2008.0697

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Fabrication of nano-electrodes by means of controlled electrochemical deposition of gold

Wolf, Conrad R.; Gerster, Daniel; Thonke, Klaus; Sauer, Rolf (2008)

DPG Frühjahrstagung 2008 (Berlin).


In the emerging fields of nano- and molecular electronics a strong need for nano-electrodes arises from the wish to contact objects such as quantum dots or single molecules. In this contribution we show the use of a controlled electrochemical deposition scheme to fabricate stable electrodes with spacings below 10 nm. In our experiments we start with a pair of gold electrodes separated by a 200 nm gap prepared by electron beam lithography. These electrodes are immersed into a solution of KI and I2 in ethanol which has been saturated by dissolving gold in it [1]. Both nano-electrodes are connected to the same DC potential, while an AC voltage between them is used to in-situ monitor the conductance with a lock-in amplifier. For the deposition a DC voltage is applied to the counter electrode until the recorded conductance reaches the desired value. It is also possible to reversibly close and open the electrode gap by applying positive and negative voltages, respectively, to the counter electrode. With this technique gaps of around 1 nm can be realized, as conductance measurements after rinsing and drying as well as SEM micrographs show. When the electrodes are grown together slowly, we observe a step-wise increase in the conductance which corresponds to integer multiples of the conductance
quantum 2e2/h.

Effectiveness of Distant Healing for Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Randomised Controlled Partially Blinded Trial

Walach, H.; Bösch, H.; Lewith, G.; Naumann, M.; Schwarzer, B.; Falk, S.; Kohls, Niko...

Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 77(3), 158-166., S. 158-166.

Validating four standard scales in spiritually practicing and non-practicing samples using propensity score matching

Kohls, Niko; Walach, H. (2008)

European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 24(3), 165-173., S. 165-173.

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Evolution of Enantioselective Bacillus subtilis Lipase

Eggert, Thorsten ; Funke, Susanne A.; Andexer , JN; Reetz , Manfred T. ...

book chapter in: Protein Engineering Handbook, 1. Auflage 2008.

Measuring the Unmeasurable by Ticking Boxes and Actually Opening Pandoras Box?

Kohls, Niko; Hack, A.; Walach, H. (2008)

Mixed Methods Research as a useful tool for thinking out of the box while investigating Exceptional Human Experiences. The Archive for the Psychology of Religion, 30, 155-187., S. 155-187.

Single particle detection of Aβ aggregates associated with Alzheimer’s disease

Funke, Susanne A.; Birkmann, Eva; Henke, Franziska; Görtz, Philipp...

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 364, 4, S. 902-907.
DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2007.10.085

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Beurteilung und Umsetzung des KICK in der Praxis bayerischer Jugendämter. Eine Erkundungsstudie.

Buchholz-Schuster, Eckardt (2007)

Zeitschrift für Kindschaftsrecht und Jugendhilfe 2007 (12), S. 467 ff..

Fabrication of nano-electrodes by means of controlled electrochemical deposition of gold

Wolf, Conrad R.; Gerster, Daniel; Thonke, Klaus; Sauer, Rolf (2007)

Workshop Metal Deposition for Emerging Nanoelectronic Applications (Schloß Reisensburg, Günzburg).


In the emerging fields of nano- and molecular electronics a strong need for nano-electrodes arises from the
wish to be able to contact single nano-objects such as quantum dots (QDs) or molecules. There are different methods
known from literature how to fabricate such electrodes, for example electromigration, mechanically controllable break
junctions, or scanning probe techniques, all of which have their specific advantages and drawbacks. In this talk we will
use a scheme of controlled electrochemical deposition which features the following benefits: the electrodes are stable,
no islands are unintentionally created during the fabrication process, and it is relatively straight forward to implement a
third electrode acting as gate.
In our experiments we start with a pair of gold electrodes separated by a 200 nm gap (Fig. 2 (a)) prepared by
electron beam lithography (EBL). These electrodes are immersed into a solution of KI and I2 in ethanol which has been
saturated by dissolving gold in it [1]. Gold covered glass sheets are used as counter and reference electrodes. For the
deposition both nano-electrodes are connected to the same DC potential, while a voltage is either applied directly to the
counter electrode or a potentiostat setup is used. Additionally an AC voltage is applied between the two nano-electrodes
which allows us to in-situ monitor the conductance with a lock-in amplifier (see Fig. 1).
When the sample is immersed into the solution, the conductance rises due to ionic currents. For the deposition
a voltage of typically 60 mV is applied to the counter electrode with respect to the working electrodes. The conductance
is recorded until it reaches a threshold value at which the deposition is stopped. After deposition the gap between the
two electrodes is clearly below 10 nm, as conductance measurements after rinsing and drying as well as the SEM
micrograph in Fig. 2 (b) show.
It is planed to place semiconductor QDs or single molecules between the electrodes to measure their transport
characteristics. Furthermore samples with additional back gate electrode are in preparation which will provide an even
wider access to the electrical properties of nano-objects.

Counting of single prion particles bound to a capture-antibody surface (surface-FIDA)

Birkmann, Eva; Henke, Franziska; Weinmann, Nicole ; Dumpitak , Christian ...

Veterinary Microbiology 123, 4, S. 294-304.
DOI: 10.1016/j.vetmic.2007.04.001

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Research Digest

Kohls, Niko (2007)

Commentary on Cotton, Zebracki, Rosenthal, Tsevat & Drotar (2006) and Wachholtz & Pargament (2006). Spirituality & Health International, 8 (2), p 101–105., S. 101-105.

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