Responsive image

Sicherheit statt Freiheit?! - Einsatz freiheitsentziehender Maßnahmen (FEM) in der Pflege von Menschen mit Demenz

Berzlanovich, A.; Kohls, Niko (2019)

In H. Walach & M. Loef (Eds.), Demenz – Prävention und Therapie (pp. 439 - 448). Essen: KVC., 439-448.

SAT0680 Educational needs of a large cohort of patients with different rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases attending a health facility in Austria

Offenbaecher, M.; Toussaint, L.; Kohls, Niko; Hanshans, Christian ; Vallejo, M....

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 78(Suppl 2), 1442-1442. Retrieved from doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2019-eular.5416.

Peer Reviewed

Stress im Studium

Nagel, Andreas; John, Dennis; Kohls, Niko (2019)

Moment by Moment..

Bedeutung von Prävention, Gesundheitsförderung und die Rolle des salutogenetischen Denkens in der Behandlung von chronischen Erkrankungen

Röhrich, Christina; Kohls, Niko (2019)

Journal für angeborene Herzfehler, Band 7 7.

Mindful Leader Development: How Leaders Experience the Effects of Mindfulness Training on Leader Capabilities

Rupprecht, S.; Falke, P.; Kohls, Niko; Tamdjidi, C.; Wittmann, M.; Kersemaekers, W. (2019)

Frontiers in Psychology, 10(1081). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01081.
DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01081

Peer Reviewed

Experimentelle Betrachtung der Wärmeübertragung durch instationäre freie Konvektion an der vertikalen Platte

Schaub, Michael (2019)

Fortschritt-Berichte VDI, Düsseldorf, 2019. Zugl.: Technische Universität Berlin, Dissertation, 2019. 19 (162).
DOI: 10.14279/depositonce-8706

Open Access

The sizing of energy storages or how valuable is the last step?

Floß, Alexander; Schaub, Michael (2019)

Advances in Building Energy Research 14 (03), 355-371.
DOI: 10.1080/17512549.2019.1588166

Peer Reviewed

Von der Psychologie des Horizontes zu den epistemologischen Horizonten der akademischen Psychologie

Kohls, Niko (2019)

In B. Frischmann & C. Holtorf (Eds.), Über den Horizont - Standorte, Grenzen und Perspektiven (pp. 149 - 164): De Gruyter., 149-164.

Experimental investigation of heat transfer by unsteady natural convection at a vertical flat plate

Schaub, Michael; Kriegel, Martin; Brandt, Stefan (2019)

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 136, 1186-1198.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2019.03.089

Peer Reviewed

Trying to be perfect in an imperfect world: A person-centred test of perfectionism and health in fibromyalgia patients versus healthy controls

Sirios , F. ; Touissant, L.; Hirsch, J. K.; Kohls, Niko; Weber, Annemarie...

Personality and Individual Differences, 137, 27-32. doi:, 27-32.
DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2018.08.005

Peer Reviewed

Lab on a Chip

Drese, Klaus Stefan (2019)

Wiener klinisches Magazin 2019 22 (4), 172–177.
DOI: 10.1007/s00740-019-0286-x


Machine Learning in der Qualitätskontrolle

Fairuschin, Viktor; Drese, Klaus Stefan (2019)

Jahresmagazin Mess- und Sensortechnik 2019, 36–38.


Measure particulate matter by yourself: data-quality monitoring in a citizen science project

Benabbas, A.; Geißelbrecht, M.; Nikol, G.; Mahr, L.; Nähr, D.; Steuer, S....

Journal of Sensor and Sensor Systems (J. Sens. Sens. Syst.) 2019 8 (2), 317–328.
DOI: 10.5194/jsss-8-317-2019

Peer Reviewed

Sicherheit statt Freiheit?! - Einsatz freiheitsentziehender Maßnahmen (FEM) in der Pflege von Menschen mit Demenz.

Berzlanovich, A.; Kohls, Niko (2019)

Demenz - Prävention und Therapie / Essen 2019, 439–448.

Rechtsphilosophische Horizonte und die Globalisierung

Buchholz-Schuster, Eckardt (2019)

Über den Horizont / Berlin, Boston 2019 (5), 191–212.
DOI: 10.1515/9783110553291-012


Numerical Verification of the Thermodynamic Determination of the Hydraulic Efficiency of Radial Fans

Epple, Philipp; Fritsche, Manuel; Reinker, F.; Wiesche, S. aus der (2019)

Proceedings of the ASME 2019 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition IMECE2019-11417 2019.
DOI: 10.1115/IMECE2019-11417


Theoretical and Numerical Analysis of the Pressure Distribution and Discharge Velocity in Flows under inclined Sluice Gates

Epple, Philipp; Steppert, Michael; Malcherek, A.; Fritsche, Manuel (2019)

Proceedings of the ASME - JSME - KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2019, AJKFLUIDS2019-4613 2019.

Peer Reviewed

Über den Horizont

Frischmann, B.; Holtorf, Christian (2019)

SpatioTemporality / RaumZeitlichkeit / Berlin, Boston 2019 (5).
DOI: 10.1515/9783110553291


Numerical Investigation of the Euler Turbomachinery Equation and Analysis of the Impact of the Impeller Design on the Fan Performance by Optimization Study

Fritsche, Manuel; Epple, Philipp; Gast, Stefan; Delgado, A. (2019)

Proceedings of the ASME 2019 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition IMECE2019-11417 2019.

CFD-Simulation of Centrifugal Fan Performance Characteristics Using Ideal and Real Gas Models for Air and Organic Fluids

Fritsche, Manuel; Epple, Philipp; Hasselmann, K.; Reinker, F.; Wagner, R....

Proceedings of the ASME - JSME - KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2019, AJKFLUIDS2019-4613 2019.

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