Responsive image

Using Smartphones for Information Retrieval in Omnichannel Scenarios - Assessing the Effectiveness of Technological Triggers

Zagel, Christian; Niels, A.; Bodendorf, F. (2017)

Advances in The Human Side of Service Engineering / Cham 2017 (494), S. 151–159.

Peer Reviewed

SciencOmat: A gamified research platform for evaluating visual attractiveness

Zagel, Christian; Piazza, A.; Petrov, Y.; Bodendorf, F. (2017)

Advances in The Human Side of Service Engineering / Cham 2017 (494), S. 50–60.

Peer Reviewed

Social support and health related quality of life among chronically ill: serial indirect effects of depressive symptoms and treatment adherence

Montgomery, M.; Brooks, B.; Kohls, Niko; Offenbacher, M.; Toussaint, L.; Sirois, F. M....

Johnson City, TN, USA 2017.

Peer Reviewed

IP2Vec: Learning Similarities Between IP Addresses

Ring, M.; Dallmann, A.; Landes, Dieter; Hotho, A. (2017)

17th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops / Los Alamitos, California 2017, S. 657–666.
DOI: 10.1109/ICDMW.2017.93

Peer Reviewed

Social work and support of people who use drugs in Germany

Stöver, H.; Deimel, D.; Hößelbarth, Susann (2017)

International Association of schools of Social Work & UNAIDS (Hrsg.). Getting to Zero. Global Social Work Responds to HIV (S.101-126). 2017, S. 101–126.

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Phage Display Selection of Specific Ligands for Listeria monocytogenes: Novel Tools for Diagnostic or Therapeutic Purposes

Kenzel, Julia; Schlegelmilch, L.; Funke, Susanne A. (2017)

Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 2017 (6), S. 1–8.

Peer Reviewed

Die Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Coburg

Löffl, Josef; Funke, Susanne A. (2017)

Zukunftsdesign – offen. innovativ. machen / Göttingen 2017 (1), S. 32–36.

Peer Reviewed

A Toolset for Intrusion and Insider Threat Detection

Ring, M.; Wunderlich, Sarah; Grüdl, Dominik; Landes, Dieter; Hotho, A. (2017)

Data analytics and decision support for cybersecurity / Cham 2017 3, S. 3–31.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-59439-2_1

Peer Reviewed

Creation of Flow-Based Data Sets for Intrusion Detection

Ring, M.; Wunderlich, Sarah; Grüdl, Dominik; Landes, Dieter; Hotho, A. (2017)

Journal of Information Warfare 16 (4), S. 40–53.

Peer Reviewed

Flow-based benchmark data sets for intrusion detection

Ring, M.; Wunderlich, Sarah; Grüdl, Dominik; Landes, Dieter; Hotho, A. (2017)

Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ECCWS) 2017, S. 361–369.

Peer Reviewed

Future orientation and fibromyalgia impact: Indirect effects of treatment adherence

Hirsch, Jameson; Kohls, Niko; Nöfer, Eberhard; Pugh, K.; Sirois, F.; Treaster, M. (2017)

Nashville, TN 2017.

Peer Reviewed

Control beliefs and suicide risk in cancer patients: Conditional indirect effects of future health perception, gratitude, and optimism

Hirsch, Jameson; Kohls, Niko; Offenbacher, M.; Pugh, K.; Sirois, F.; Toussaint, L....

Nashville, TN 2017.

Peer Reviewed

Gratitude mediates quality of life differences between fibromyalgia patients and healthy controls

Hirsch, Jameson; Kohls, Niko; Offenbacher, M.; Schelling, J.; Sirois, F.; Toussaint, L....

Quality of life research: an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation 2017 26 (9), S. 2449–2457.
DOI: 10.1007/s11136-017-1604-7

Peer Reviewed



Gratitude Mediates Quality of Life Differences Between Fibromyalgia Patients and Healthy Controls

Hirsch, Jameson; Kohls, Niko; Offenbaecher, M.; Schelling, J.; Sirois, F....

2017 31 (2).

Peer Reviewed

Stuck in the Past with Angry Memories has detrimental Health Effects in Patients suffering from Fibromyalgia

Hirsch, Jameson; Kohls, Niko; Offenbaecher, M.; Schelling, J.; Sirois, F....

2017 31 (2).

Peer Reviewed

An Altered Subjective Time Perspective is associated with Symptoms and Quality of Life in Patients suffering from Fibromyalgia

Hirsch, J. K.; Kohls, Niko; Offenbaecher, M.; Schelling, J.; Sirois, F. M....

2017 31 (2).

Peer Reviewed

zukunftsdesign – offen. innovativ. machen

Hoffmann, Mark; Löffl, Josef; Luo, Xun; Thar, Werner; Valeva, Milena...

Zwischen den Welten / Göttingen 2017 (11), S. 1249.


Inhalt -- 1 Eine Idee nimmt Gestalt an -- 2 Inhaltliche Konzeption -- 3 Das Team -- 4 Zukünftige Gegenwarten -- 5 Die Studierenden -- Beiträge -- 6 A usblick

Zukunftsdesign – offen. innovativ. machen

Hoffmann, Mark; Löffl, Josef; Luo, Xun; Thar, Werner; Valeva, Milena...

Zwischen den Welten / Göttingen 2017 (1), S. 1249.


Inhalt -- 1 Eine Idee nimmt Gestalt an -- 2 Inhaltliche Konzeption -- 3 Das Team -- 4 Zukünftige Gegenwarten -- 5 Die Studierenden -- Beiträge -- 6 A usblick

Book review: A Cartographic Turn

Holtorf, Christian (2017)

Geographica Helvetica 2017 72 (1), S. 119–121.
DOI: 10.5194/gh-72-119-2017

Peer Reviewed

„The singular state of the ice“. Das kartografische Wissen des Walfängers William Scoresby

Holtorf, Christian (2017)

Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 2017 40 (1), S. 64–85.
DOI: 10.1002/bewi.201701806

Open Access Peer Reviewed

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