Responsive image

The perceived benefit and harm of active exercise, physical therapy and modalities of a large cohort of patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) attending the Gastein Healing Gallery

Offenbacher, M.; Hirsch, J. K.; Sirios , F. ; van der Zee-Neuen, A.; Scharmga, A....

Eingereicht Österreichischer Kongress für Rheumatologie 2020.

Peer Reviewed

Effects of the Gastein Healing Gallery on physical functioning, activity and participation – results of qualitative interviews of 14 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), ankylosing spondylitis (AS) or fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS)

Offenbaecher, M.; Zerhoch, Tamara; Nöfer, Eberhard; Touissant, L.; Kohls, Niko...

J Miner Stoffwechs Muskuloskelet Erkrank: 27:141.

Peer Reviewed

The perceived benefit and harm of mild radon hyperthermia, rehabilitation and medications from the point of view of a large cohort of patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS)

Offenbaecher, M.; Hirsch, J. K.; Sirios , F. ; van der Zee-Neuen, A.; Scharmga, A....

attending the Gastein Healing Gallery. J Miner Stoffwechs Muskuloskelet Erkrank;27:145.

Peer Reviewed

The perceived benefit and harm of active exercise, physical therapy and modalities of a large cohort of patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) attending the Gastein Healing Gallery

Offenbaecher, M.; Hirsch, J. K.; Sirios , F. ; van der Zee-Neuen, A.; Scharmga, A....

J Miner Stoffwechs Muskuloskelet Erkrank: 27:142.

Peer Reviewed

Effects of the Gastein Healing Gallery on medication use and physical and mental health – results of qualitative interviews of 14 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), ankylosing spondylitis (AS) or fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS)

Offenbaecher, M.; Zerhoch, Tamara; Nöfer, Eberhard; Kohls, Niko; Touissant, L....


Peer Reviewed

Spatial Resolution-Independent CNN-based Person Detection in Agricultural Image Data

Strutz, Tilo; Leipnitz, Alexander; Jokisch, Oliver (2020)

5th Int. Conf. on Interactive Collaborative Robotics, ICR.

Peer Reviewed

Advanced object detectors based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) offer high detection rates for many application scenarios but only within their respective training, validation and test data. Recent studies show that such methods provide a limited generalization ability for unknown data, even for small image modifications including a limited scale invariance. Reliable person detection with aerial robots (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, UAVs) is an essential task to fulfill high security requirements or to support robot control, communication, and human-robot interaction. Particularly in an agricultural context persons need to be detected from a long distance and a high altitude to allow the UAV an adequate and timely response. While UAVs are able to produce high resolution images that enable the detection of persons from a longer distance, typical CNN input layer sizes are comparably low. The inevitable scaling of images to match the input-layer size can lead to a further reduction in person sizes. We investigate the reliability of different YOLOv3 architectures for person detection in regard to those input-scaling effects. The popular VisDrone data set with its varying image resolutions and relatively small depiction of humans is used as well as high resolution UAV images from an agricultural data set. To overcome the scaling problem, an algorithm is presented for segmenting high resolution images in overlapping tiles that match the input-layer size. The number and overlap of the tiles are dynamically determined based on the image resolution. It is shown that the detection rate of very small persons in high resolution images can be improved using this tiling approach.


Positive Psychological Traits and Functional Impairment in Chronic Pain: Do Reduced Stress, Pain, and Fatigue Explain the Benefits?

Altier, H.; Offenbaecher, M.; Toussaint, L.; Kohls, Niko; Sirois, F....

Posterpräsentation beim Deutschen Schmerzkongress 2020..

Peer Reviewed

Effects of the Gastein Healing Gallery on medication use and physical and mental health – results of qualitative interviews of 14 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), ankylosing spondylitis (AS) or fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS)

Offenbaecher, M.; Zerhoch, Tamara; Nöfer, Eberhard; Kohls, Niko; Toussaint, L....

Posterpräsentation beim Deutschen Schmerzkongress 2020..

Peer Reviewed

Positive Psychological Traits and Functional Impairment in Chronic Pain: Do Reduced Stress, Pain, and Fatigue Explain the Benefits?

Altier, H.; Offenbaecher, M.; Toussaint, L.; Kohls, Niko; Sirios , F. ...

Schmerz;34 Suppl.2: S91.

Peer Reviewed

Of Nemesis and Narcissus: Lessons COVID may provide for enterprises – and ethics – of global health promotion and biosecurity

DiEuliis, D.; Kohls, Niko; Giordano, J. (2020)

In M. Woesler & H. M. Sass (Eds.), Medicine and Ethics in Times of Corona (pp. 323 - 327), S. 323-327.

Educational needs of patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases attending a large health facility in Austria

Hirsch, Jameson; Toussaint, L.; Offenbächer, M.; Kohls, Niko; Hanshans, Christian ...

Musculoskeletal Care, n/a(n/a). doi:10.1002/msc.1474.
DOI: https://doi:org10.1002/msc.1474

Peer Reviewed

Towards a Practical Virtual Office for Mobile Knowledge Workers

Ofek, E.; Grubert, Jens; Pahud, M.; Phillips, Mark ; Kristensson, P. O. (2020)

arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.02947.

Open Access

Zum Stellenwert sozialpädagogischer Fachlichkeit in einemreformierten SGB VIII. Überlegungen aus rechtsmethodologischer und rechtspolitischer Perspektive. In: ZKJ 2020, 344 ff. (PDF) Zum Stellenwert sozialpädagogischer Fachlichkeit in einem reformierten SGB VIII. Überlegungen aus rechtsmethodologischer und rechtspolitischer Perspektive.. Available from: [accessed Mar 16 2023].

Buchholz-Schuster, Eckardt (2020)

Zeitschrift für Kindschaftsrecht und Jugendhilfe (ZKJ) 2020 (9/10), S. 344-356.

Open Access

Applied Research of the Hygrothermal Behaviour of an Internally Insulated Historic Wall without Vapour Barrier: In Situ Measurements and Dynamic Simulations

Andreotti, Mirco; Bottino-Leone, Dario; Calzolari, Marta; Davoli, Pietromaria...

Energies 2020, 13, 3362.
DOI: 10.3390/en13133362

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Freiheitsberaubung aus Fürsorge?! – Die Anwendung freiheitsentziehender Maßnahmen in der Pflege

Berzlanovich, A.; Kirsch, S.; Herold-Majumdar, A.; Kohls, Niko (2020)

In T. Gaertner, S. Knoblich, T. Muck, & M. Rieger (Eds.), Die Pflegeversicherung: Handbuch zur Begutachtung, Qualitätsprüfung, Beratung und Fortbildung (Vierte überarbeitete Auflage ed., pp. 637-646)., S. 637-646.

Depression and Pain in Patients with Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Disease: Are Positive Psychological Characteristics Protective?

Altier, H.; Offenbaecher, M.; van der Zee-Neuen, A.; Touissant, L.; Kohls, Niko...

J Miner Stoffwechs Muskuloskelet Erkrank 27:145.

Peer Reviewed

Climate change impact on hygrothermal performance of energy-retrofitted historic buildings: numerical simulations of internally insulated masonry walls in South Tyrol

Hao, Lingjun; Herrera-Avellanosa, Daniel; Del Pero, Claudio; Matiu, M....

ADAPT Northern Heritage Conference 2020.

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Screen content compression based on enhanced soft context formation

Strutz, Tilo; Möller, Phillip (2020)

IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 22 (5), S. 1126 - 1138.
DOI: 10.1109/TMM.2019.2941270

Peer Reviewed

The compression of screen content has attracted the interest of researchers in the last years as the market for transferring data from computer displays is growing. It has already been shown that especially those methods can effectively compress screen contentwhich are able to predict the probability distribution of next pixel values. This prediction is typically based on a kind of learning process. The predictor learns the relationship between probable pixel colours and surrounding texture. Recently, an effective method called ‘soft context formation’ (SCF) had been proposed which achieves much lower bitrates for images with less than 8 000 colours than other state-of-the-art compression schemes.
This paper presents an enhanced version of SCF. The average lossless compression performance has increased by about 5% in
application to images with less than 8 000 colours and about 10% for imageswith up to 90 000 colours. In comparison to FLIF, FP8v3, andHEVC(HM−16.20+SCM−8.8), it achieves savings of about 33%, 4%, and 11% on average. The improvements compared to
the original version result from various modifications. The largest contribution is achieved by the local estimation of the probability
distribution for unpredictable colours in stage II of the compression scheme.


Effekte von Lebensstiländerungen bei arterieller Hypertonie in der Primärversorgung - ein systematisches Review

Sanftenberg, L.; Badermann, M.; Kohls, Niko; Weber, Annemarie; Schelling, J....

Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen, 150-152, 12-19. , S. 12-19.
DOI: 10.1016/j.zefq.2020.03.004

Peer Reviewed

Text Meets Space: Geographic Content Extraction, Resolution and Information Retrieval

Leidner, Jochen L.; Martins, Bruno; McDonough, Katherine; Purves, Ross S. (2020)

Proceedings of the 42nd European Conference on Information Retrieval Research (ECIR 2020), Lisbon, Portugal, April 14–17, 2020 II, S. 669-673.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-45442-5_89

Peer Reviewed

In this half-day tutorial, we will review the basic concepts of, methods for, and applications of geographic information retrieval, also showing some possible applications in fields such as the digital humanities. The tutorial is organized in four parts. First we introduce some basic ideas about geography, and demonstrate why text is a powerful way of exploring relevant questions. We then introduce a basic end-to-end pipeline discussing geographic information in documents, spatial and multi-dimensional indexing [19], and spatial retrieval and spatial filtering. After showing a range of possible applications, we conclude with suggestions for future work in the area.


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