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Sensorik zur Regelung von reaktionsschnellen Wärmeübergabesystemen

Schmitt, Lukas; Schaub, Michael; Kriegel, Martin (2021)

TGA-Kongress, 28.-29.01.2021 in Berlin / Online.
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34007.34726

Open Access

Analysis of ovarian transcriptomes reveals thousands of novel genes in the insect vector Rhodnius prolixus

Coelho, Vitor Lima; Fontenele de Brito, Tarcísio; Alexandre de Abreu Brito, Ingrid...

Scientific Reports 2021, 1918 (11).
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-81387-1

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Rhodnius prolixus is a Triatominae insect species and a primary vector of Chagas disease. The genome of R. prolixus has been recently sequenced and partially assembled, but few transcriptome analyses have been performed to date. In this study, we describe the stage-specific transcriptomes obtained from previtellogenic stages of oogenesis and from mature eggs. By analyzing ~ 228 million paired-end RNA-Seq reads, we significantly improved the current genome annotations for 9206 genes. We provide extended 5' and 3' UTRs, complete Open Reading Frames, and alternative transcript variants. Strikingly, using a combination of genome-guided and de novo transcriptome assembly we found more than two thousand novel genes, thus increasing the number of genes in R. prolixus from 15,738 to 17,864. We used the improved transcriptome to investigate stage-specific gene expression profiles during R. prolixus oogenesis. Our data reveal that 11,127 genes are expressed in the early previtellogenic stage of oogenesis and their transcripts are deposited in the developing egg including key factors regulating germline development, genome integrity, and the maternal-zygotic transition. In addition, GO term analyses show that transcripts encoding components of the steroid hormone receptor pathway, cytoskeleton, and intracellular signaling are abundant in the mature eggs, where they likely control early embryonic development upon fertilization. Our results significantly improve the R. prolixus genome and transcriptome and provide novel insight into oogenesis and early embryogenesis in this medically relevant insect.


Positive Psychological Factors and Impairment in Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Disease: Do Psychopathology and Sleep Quality Explain the Linkage?

Hirsch, J. K.; Altier, H.; Offenbächer, M.; Toussaint, L.; Kohls, Niko...

Arthritis Care & Research, n/a(n/a).
DOI: 10.1002/acr.24440

Peer Reviewed

Effectiveness of Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Deep Breathing, and Guided Imagery

Toussaint, L.; Nguyen, Q. A.; Roettger, C.; Dixon, K.; Offenbächer, M.; Kohls, Niko...

in Promoting Psychological and Physiological States of Relaxation. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2021, 5924040. doi:10.1155/2021/5924040.

Peer Reviewed

Hygrothermal characterization of a fictitious homogenized porous material to describe multiphase heat and moisture transport in massive historic walls

Bottino-Leone, Dario; Larcher, Marco; Troi, Alexandra; Grunewald, John (2021)

Construction and Building Materials 266.
DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.121497

Peer Reviewed

Consumer Experience durch Einsatz von Mixed Reality in Einkaufsumgebungen

Zagel, Christian (2021)

Multisensorik im stationären Handel - Grundlagen und Praxis der kundenzentrierten Filialgestaltung 2021, S. 221-235.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-31273-2


Dynamic Capabilities: Celebrating the Plurality of Understandings of the Concept

Wenzel, M.; Rauch, M.; Abiodun Adegbile, A.; Bogodistov, Y.; Cénophat, S....

Dynamic Capabilities and Relationships: Discourses, Concepts, and Reflections 2021, S. 5-41.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-83182-0_1

Open Access

ZukunftsDesign - Ein Studiengang der Regionalentwicklung

Zagel, Christian; Hasenkopf , Hauke ; Hoffmann, Mark (2021)

Hochschule Coburg .

Open Access

Positive Psychological Factors and Impairment in Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Disease: Do Psychopathology and Sleep Quality Explain the Linkage?

Hirsch, J. K.; Altier, H.; Offenbächer, M.; Toussaint, L.; Kohls, Niko...

Arthritis Care & Research 2021 73 (1), S. 55–64.
DOI: 10.1002/acr.24440

Peer Reviewed



Pain is not the major determinant of quality of life in fibromyalgia - results from a retrospective "real world" data analysis of fibromyalgia patients

Offenbächer, M.; Kohls, Niko; Ewert, T.; Sigl, C.; Hieblinger, R.; Toussaint, L. L....

Rheumatology International 2021.
DOI: 10.1007/s00296-020-04702-5

Peer Reviewed



Sportstadt Coburg. Ideen für die Regionalentwicklung

Holtorf, Christian (2021)

Ergebnisse interdisziplinärer Lehre Band 2 2021.

Open Access

Promoting health by traveling: Mindfulness and travel medicine

Kohls, Niko (2020)

Health Promotion & Physical Activity, 2020, 4 (13), 62-64.

Peer Reviewed

Mobilität, Erreichbarkeit, Raum: (Selbst-)kritische Perspektiven aus Wissenschaft und Praxis

Appel, Alexandra; Scheiner, Joachim; Wilde, Mathias (2020)

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-31413-2


3.7.2 Schwangere/ Frauen ab 18 Jahren / Frauen als Angehörige.

Vogt, Irmgard; Bischof, Gallus; Hannak-Zeltner, Renate; Hößelbarth, Susann...

Vogt, I., Bischof, G.; Hannak-Zeltner, R.; Hößelbarth, S.; Jückstock, J. & Hoffmann, S. (2020). 3.7.2 Schwangere/ Frauen ab 18 Jahren / Frauen als Angehörige. In: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Nervenheilkunde (DGPPN) & Deutsche Gesellschaft für Suchtforschung und Suchttherapie e.V. (DG-SUCHT) (Hrsg.). S3 Leitlinie „Screening, Diagnose und Behandlung alkoholbezogener Störungen”. Version Dezember 2020 (S. 270-312). Verfügbar unter: /ll/076-001.html. [27.04.2022], S. 270-312.

Open Access

Das gesundheitsökonomische Potential des Einsatzes von Placebos in der Behandlung von ADHS

Hamberger, Jens; Hinterberger , Thilo ; Loew, T.; Meißner, Karin; Weimer, K. (2020)

e-Poster beim Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Nervenheilkunde (DGPPN), 26.11.2020, Online-Kongress.

Räumliche Navigation durch richtungsgebundene Stereofonie

Markert, Michael (2020)

Dissertation, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, 2020.
DOI: 10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4303

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Von Nemesis und Narziss: Lektionen, die COVID bei Vorhaben - und der Ethik - globaler Gesundheitsförderung und Biosicherheit erteilen kann

DiEuliis, D.; Kohls, Niko; Giordano, J. (2020)

In M. Woesler & H. M. Sass (Eds.), Medizin und Ethik in Zeiten von Corona (pp. 323 - 327), S. 323-327.

Effects of the Gastein Healing Gallery on physical functioning, activity and participation – results of qualitative interviews of 14 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), ankylosing spondylitis (AS) or fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS)

Offenbaecher, M.; Zerhoch, Tamara; Nöfer, Eberhard; Kohls, Niko; Toussaint, L....

Eingereicht Österreichischer Kongress für Rheumatologie 2020..

Peer Reviewed

Depression and Pain in Patients with Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Disease: Are Positive Psychological Characteristics Protective?

Altier, H.; Offenbaecher, M.; van der Zee-Neuen, A.; Toussaint, L.; Kohls, Niko...

Eingereicht Österreichischer Kongress für Rheumatologie 2020..
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23795.81443

Peer Reviewed

The perceived benefit and harm of mild radon hyperthermia, rehabilitation and medications from the point of view of a large cohort of patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) attending the Gastein Healing Gallery

Offenbaecher, M.; Hirsch, J. K.; Sirios , F. ; van der Zee-Neuen, A.; Scharmga, A....

Eingereicht Österreichischer Kongress für Rheumatologie 2020..

Peer Reviewed

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