Responsive image

Rehabilitation: 3.1 Effects of the gastein healing gallery on physical functioning, activity and participation – results of qualitative interviews of 14 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), ankylosing spondylitis (AS) or fbromyalgia syndrome (FMS)

Offenbächer, M.; Zerhoch, Tamara; Nöfer, Eberhard; Toussaint, L.; Kohls, Niko...

Journal für Mineralstoffwechsel & Muskuloskelettale Erkrankungen 2020 27 (4), S. 141–142.
DOI: 10.1007/s41970-020-00137-3

Peer Reviewed

Effects of the Gastein Healing Gallery on physical functioning, activity and participation – results of qualitative interviews of 14 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), ankylosing spondylitis (AS) or fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS).

Offenbächer, M.; Zerhoch, Tamara; Nöfer, Eberhard; Toussaint, L.; Kohls, Niko...

Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie und Rehabilitation (ÖGR) 2020.

Peer Reviewed

New York / New Office

Phillips, Mark (2020)



Towards a Competence Profile for Automotive Software Engineering

Reißing, Ralf; Sedelmaier, Y. (2020)

Workshop for Automotive Software Systems Engineering Education (WASSEE) 2020, S. 314–317.
DOI: 10.1109/CSEET49119.2020.9206205

Peer Reviewed

Insights in Students’ Problems during UML Modelling.

Reuter, R.; Stark, T.; Sedelmaier, Y.; Landes, Dieter; Mottok, J.; Wolff, C. (2020)

Proceedings of the IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2020) 2020, S. 592–600.
DOI: 10.1109/EDUCON45650.2020.9125110


Narrative view of the role of health promotion and salutogenesis in the treatment of chronic disease: viability and value for the care of cardiovascular conditions

Röhrich, Christina; Giordano, J.; Kohls, Niko (2020)

Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy 2020.
DOI: 10.21037/cdt-20-610

Peer Reviewed

Effekte von Lebensstiländerungen bei arterieller Hypertonie in der Primärversorgung - ein systematisches Review: Effects of lifestyle interventions for arterial hypertension in primary care: A systematic review

Sanftenberg, L.; Badermann, M.; Kohls, Niko; Weber, Annemarie; Schelling, J....

Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen (ZEFQ) 2020 150-152, S. 12–19.
DOI: 10.1016/j.zefq.2020.03.004

Peer Reviewed



About the Effectiveness of Different Game Design Elements for an Introductory Programming Course.

Schwarzmann, Andreas; Landes, Dieter; Sedelmaier, Y. (2020)

49th International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy / 23rd International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL). 2020, S. 552–562.

Peer Reviewed

Analyzing Challenges in Software Engineering Capstone Projects

Sedelmaier, Y.; Landes, Dieter (2020)

ICSEA 2020 The Fifteenth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances 2020, S. 135–140.

Peer Reviewed

Neun Jahre EVELIN – Erkenntnisse und Perspektiven.

Sedelmaier, Y.; Landes, Dieter (2020)

Didaktik-Nachrichten (DiNa) 2020 12, S. 32–39.

Peer Reviewed

Using Learning Styles to Accommodate for Heterogeneous Groups of Learners in Software Engineering

Waibel, Nico; Sedelmaier, Y.; Landes, Dieter (2020)

In Proc. 11th IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2020), Porto, Portugal 2020, S. 819–826.
DOI: 10.1109/EDUCON45650.2020.9125233

Peer Reviewed

Marginalisierung im Seitenraum: Einblicke in die Misere des Fußverkehrs

Wilde, Mathias (2020)

Mobilogisch! - Zeitschrift für Ökologie, Politik und Bewegung 2020 (1), S. 17–20.

Sub-Knoten im transeuropäischen Verkehrsnetz: Bedeutung für die Anbindung des Hinterlandes

Wilde, Mathias (2020)

Internationales Verkehrswesen 72 (2), S. 26–28.

Es bleibt holprig - Fahrradfahren in der Stadt: Auswertung von kommunalen Mängelmeldern

Wilde, Mathias; Hojer, Judith (2020)

AKP - Fachzeitschrift für Alternative Kommunal Politik 2020 (2), S. 16–18.

Impact of Generative Adversarial Networks on NetFlow-Based Traffic Classification

Wolf, Maximilian; Ring, M.; Landes, Dieter (2020)

13th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems (CISIS 2020) / Cham 2020 (1267), S. 393–404.

Peer Reviewed

The Impact of Different System Call Representations on Intrusion Detection

Wunderlich, Sarah; Ring, M.; Landes, Dieter; Hotho, A. (2020)

Logic Journal of the IGPL 2020.
DOI: 10.1093/jigpal/jzaa058

Peer Reviewed

Service-Innovation for Cyborgs - Human Augmentation as a Self-experiment

Zagel, Christian (2020)

Advances in the Human Side of Service Engineering / Cham 2020 (1208), S. 22–27.

Peer Reviewed

Die deutschsprachige Version der Combat Exposure Scale (D-CES) – erste psychometrische Validierung.

Zimmermann, Fred; Walach, H.; Schubmann, R.; Kohls, Niko (2020)

Wehrmedizinische Monatsschrift 2020 64 (2), S. 58–65.

Peer Reviewed

Coaching Handbuch ZukunftsDesign

Fink , Alexander; Hoffmann, Mark; Hümmer, Rüdiger; Sedelmaier, Yvonne; Seidl, Michael...

Coaching Handbuch ZukunftsDesign - Hochschule Coburg .

The influence of external reference price strategies in a nonprofit arts organization’s “Pay-what-you-want”

Gross, Hellen; Rottler, M.; Wallmeier, F. (2020)

International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing 26 (1).
DOI: 10.1002/nvsm.1681

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Hochschule Coburg

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