Weiß, Katharina; Kohls, Niko (2022)
Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung. doi:10.1007/s11553-022-00983-9.
DOI: 10.1007/s11553-022-00983-9
Weiß, Katharina; Kohls, Niko (2022)
Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung.
DOI: 10.1007/s11553-022-00983-9
Effective pain management with long-lasting effects for patients with chronic pain is still a challenge.
Investigation of the effects of a health-promoting intervention with “eye movement desensitization and reprocessing” (EMDR) in patients with chronic pain and a possible improvement of their quality of life.
Using a paper–pencil survey, 30 patients with chronic pain were interviewed at two timepoints using subscales of the German Pain Questionnaire (DSF), the Pain Disability Index (PDI), and the WHO Quality of Life—Short Version (WHOQOL-BREF). Between the two timepoints, the patients in the intervention group were treated with EMDR.
Some significant results indicate that quality of life is improved by using EMDR to treat chronic pain. In the intervention group, quality of life improved significantly in the domains of physical, psychological, and global quality of life compared to both timepoints.
Due to the explorative character of this study, however, findings can only be cautiously interpreted, and long-term studies with larger samples and follow-up surveys should be conducted to clarify statements about the efficacy and long-term effects of EMDR treatment for chronic pain. This treatment method appears to be of great potential, and use of EMDR an integral part of a multimodal, interdisciplinary pain therapy seems promising.
Kohls, Niko (2022)
Gelassener und stärker durch die richtige Balance. München: Südwest..
Toussaint, L.; Webb, J. R.; Hirsch, J. K.; Kohls, Niko; Offenbacher, M.; Dezutter, J.; Nguyen, Q. A.; Vallejo, M. (2022)
Toussaint, L.; Webb, J. R.; Hirsch, J. K.; Kohls, Niko; Offenbacher, M.; Dezutter, J....
In F. Sirois (Ed.), Palgrave Handbook of Positive Psychology and Health. .
Kohls, Niko (2022)
Didaktiknachrichten 07, S. 9 – 12., 9-12.
Kohls, Niko (2022)
Unternehmerforum Ruhr, Keynote, Online-Event.
Kohls, Niko (2022)
Report Psychologie 47 (3), 6-10.
Kohls, Niko (2022)
Online-Keynote am Neujahrsempfang der Münchner Assekuranz.
Kohls, Niko (2022)
Moment by Moment 1, S.64 - 67.
Kohls, Niko (2021)
4 (13), 62-64.
John, Dennis; Röhrich, Christina; Walter, Verena ; Pfeifer , Gabi; Kohls, Niko (2021)
Das Gesundheitswesen .
DOI: 10.1055/a-1330-7267
Pfeifer , Gabi; Walter, Verena ; John, Dennis; Kohls, Niko; Röhrich, Christina (2021)
Hessische Blätter für Volksbildung, 4, 94–104., 94-104.
Offenbächer, M.; Seitlinger , Michael ; Münch , Daniela ; Schnopp , Christina ; Darsow , Ulf; Harfensteller , Julia ; Schmid-Grendelmeier, Peter; Ring , Johannes ; Kohls, Niko (2021)
Offenbächer, M.; Seitlinger , Michael ; Münch , Daniela ; Schnopp , Christina ...
3 (4), 663-672.
DOI: 10.3390/psych3040042
Sirois, F.; Touissant, L.; Hirsch, J. K.; Kohls, Niko; Offenbaecher, M. (2021)
Personality and Individual Differences, 181, 111036. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2021.111036.
DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2021.111036
Hanshans, Christian ; Broell , Lukas M.; Plischke , Herbert ; Offenbaecher, M.; Zauner, Johannes ; Faust , Moritz M. R.; Maisch , Bettina ; Kohls, Niko; Toussaint, L. L.; Hirsch, J. K.; Siros, Fuschia M. (2021)
Hanshans, Christian ; Broell , Lukas M.; Plischke , Herbert ; Offenbaecher, M....
Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, 7(2), 57-60. doi:10.1515/cdbme-2021-2015 , 57-60.
Sirois, F. M.; Toussaint, L.; Hirsch, J. K.; Kohls, Niko; Offenbächer, M. (2021)
ScienceDirect Vol 181, 111036.
DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2021.111036
Kohls, Niko (2021)
Keynote anlässlich der Jubiläumsfeier 10 Jahre Interdisziplinäre multimodale Schmerztherapie- Tagesklinik Coburg im Regiomed- Verbund.
Jäger, Tamara; Kohls, Niko (2021)
Taktik + Medizin 4(3), 164-169.
Kohls, Niko (2021)
Universität Bamberg.
Güttler, C.; Kohls, Niko (2021)
Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung. doi:10.1007/s11553-021-00883-4 17, 349–356.
DOI: https://doi.org:10.1007/s11553-021-00883-4
Fakultät Angewandte Naturwissenschaften und Gesundheit (FNG)
Friedrich-Streib-Str. 2
96450 Coburg
T 09561317130 niko.kohls[at]hs-coburg.de
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9761-4839