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Wolfgang von Kempelen: Man-(in the)-Machine. Mensch-(in der)-Maschine

Serexhe, Bernhard; Weibel, Peter; Markert, Michael (2007)

Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie (ZKM) Karlsruhe – Wolfgang von Kempelen: Man-(in the)-Machine. Mensch-(in der)-Maschine.

SOI-based silicon quantum dots contacted by self-aligned nano-electrodes

Wolf, Conrad R.; Ladenburger, Andreas; Enchelmaier, Rainer; Thonke, Klaus...

MRS Fall Meeting 2006 (Boston, USA).


We present a technique to contact individual silicon quantum dots (QDs) by nano-­electrodes making use of a self-­alignment effect. Starting from an ultra thin silicon on insulator (SOI) substrate we employ self­-assembled gold colloidal particles as an etch mask. These particles are deposited onto the substrate using aminosilane [3­-(2­-aminoethylamino)propyltrimethoxysilane] as an adhesion agent yielding a sub­-monolayer sample coverage. The QDs are then fabricated by applying a CF4 reactive ion etch (RIE) process to remove the silicon layer everywhere except below the gold colloids. Subsequently, the colloidal mask is removed by a wet chemical etch and 100-200 nm wide metal wires are patterned by electron beam lithography (EBL) onto the QD-­covered samples. A nanometer­-sized gap is created in these wires by a controlled electromigration process. The metal wires will preferentially break at the positions of the QDs, because the metal layer is dilated there resulting in a locally higher current density. This leads to a self­-alignment effect of the evolving nano­-electrodes with respect to the QDs. The native oxide of the silicon QDs is used as a tunneling barrier leading to a single­-electron device. The oxide thickness can be increased in a controlled manner by self­-limiting thermal oxidation to adjust the tunneling resistance. Finally, I(V)­-traces of these devices are collected at liquid helium temperature. They show clear Coulomb blockade behavior as well as Coulomb staircase features.

SOI-Based Silicon Quantum Dots Contacted by Self-Aligned Nano-Electrodes

Wolf, Conrad R.; Ladenburger, Andreas; Enchelmaier, Rainer; Thonke, Klaus...

MRS Online Proceedings Library 958, 1021.
DOI: 10.1557/PROC-0958-L10-21


In this paper we present a novel approach to fabricate single-electron devices utilizing different self-organization and self-alignment effects. Silicon quantum dots (QDs) are obtained employing reactive ion etching (RIE) into a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) substrate with a self-assembled etch mask. Electrodes with nanometer separation are fabricated and aligned to the QDs by means of a controlled electromigration process. The tunneling rates of the devices are defined by the native oxide covering the silicon QDs and can be adjusted by self-limiting thermal oxidation. The devices show clear Coulomb blockade behavior as well as Coulomb staircase features. In some samples also a gate influence is present giving rise to Coulomb diamonds in the differential conductance diagram.


Exceptional experiences and spiritual practice: A New Measurement Approach

Kohls, Niko; Walach, H. (2006)

Spirituality & Health International, 7(3), 125-150., S. 125-150.

Peer Reviewed

Exceptional Experiences and Mental Health - Results of a Questionnaire Study

Kohls, Niko (2006)

Congress Diversity and Debate in Alternative and Complementary Medicine, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom.

Peer Reviewed

R.esearch Digest

Kohls, Niko (2006)

Commentary on Simmonds (2006) and Cahn & Polich, (2006). Spirituality & Health International, 8 (1), p 44–53. 8 (1), S. 44-53.

Combination of computational prescreening and experimental library construction can accelerate enzyme optimization by directed evolution

Funke, Susanne A.; Otte , Nikolaj ; Eggert, Thorsten ; Bocola, Marco ...

Protein Engineering, Design and Selection 18, 11, S. 509-514.
DOI: 10.1093/protein/gzi062

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Dual Income Tax als Reform der Einkommensteuer - Fortschritt oder Stillstand?

Demmler, Uwe (2005)


Transpersonale Psychologie – Psychologie des Bewusstseins: Chancen und Probleme

Walach, H.; Kohls, Niko; Belschner, W. (2005)

Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol; 55: 405-415., S. 405-415.

Grade of Membership (GoM) Analysis as a Senitive Method for Evaluating Categorial Data – Introduction and Some Examples.

Walach, H.; Kohls, Niko (2005)

In: Beauducel, A., Biehl, B., Bosnjak, M., Conrad, W., Schönberger, G. & Wagner, D. (Eds.), Multivariate Research Strategies – Festschrift for Werner W. Wittmann (pp. 151 – 172). Aachen: Shaker., S. 151-172.

Multiplex-PCR-Based Recombination as a Novel High-Fidelity Method for Directed Evolution

Eggert, Thorsten ; Funke, Susanne A.; Rao , Nalam M.; Acharya , Priyamvada ...

ChemBioChem 6, 6, S. 1062-1067.
DOI: 10.1002/cbic.200400417

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Geistige Gesundheit und aussergewöhnliche Erfahrungen – Ergebnisse und Probleme einer Fragebogenstudie

Kohls, Niko (2004)

Vortrag, Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie Göttingen. DGPS Abstracts, S. 364., S. 364.

Peer Reviewed

Interferometrische Messung von Schwingungen und Drifts an Rasterkraftmikroskopen

Wolf, Conrad R. (2004)

Fachhochschule Ulm.

Exceptional Experiences and Mental Health - Results and Problems of a Questionnaire Study - Contribution to the panel “Counseling Person with Exceptional Experiences - The Example of IGPP"

Kohls, Niko; Walach, H. (2004)

Proceedings of Presented Papers Parapsychological Association in Wien, S. 319 – 320., S. 319-320.

Peer Reviewed

Submicron imaging with a planar silver lens

Melville, David O. S.; Blaikie, R. J.; Wolf, Conrad R. (2004)

Appl. Phys. Lett. 84 (22), S. 4403-4405.
DOI: 10.1063/1.1757644

Peer Reviewed

Optical imaging through a thin planar silver layer has been achieved by utilizing near-field lithography techniques. A 120 nm thick silver lens that was placed 60 nm below a patterned mask, imaged the mask’s features onto a photosensitive material located 60 nm below the silver. The entire structure was exposed from above with a mercury lamp. Features sizes as small as 350 nm (at a 700 nm period) were imaged onto the photosensitive material, demonstrating the lensing ability of the planar silver slab.


The Prevalence of Extraordinary Experiences and Its Relationship To Mental Health – A Questionnaire Study

Walach, H.; Kohls, Niko (2003)

Book of Abstracts. Society for Psychotherapy Research - 34th Annual Meeting, Weimar, S. 122 – 123., S. 122-123.

Peer Reviewed

Directed Evolution of an Enantioselective Bacillus subtilis Lipase

Funke, Susanne A.; Eipper, Andreas ; Reetz , Manfred T. ; Otte , Nikolaj ...

Biocatalysis and Biotransformation Volume 21, 21, 2, S. 67-73..
DOI: 10.1080/1024242031000110847

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Ausgewählte Ergebnisse der Freiburger Fragebogenstudie zu außergewöhnlichen Erfahrungen

Kohls, Niko; Walach, H.; Kress, G. (2002)

Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Berlin, Posterbeitrag..

Peer Reviewed

Häufigkeit und subjektive Bewertung von aussergewöhnlichen menschlichen Erfahrungen. Explorative Ergebnisse einer Fragebogenstudie zu differentialdiagnostischen Zwecken

Kohls, Niko; Friedl, Cosima; Harald, Wallach (2001)

In W. Belschner, J. Galuska, H. Walach & E. Zundel (Eds.), Perspektiven Transpersonaler Forschung. Jahresband 1 des DKTP (pp. 89-116). Oldenburg: BIS-Verlag., S. 89-116.

Persönlichkeit und Praxiserfolg: Der Arzt als Unternehmer

Müller, G.F.; Kohls, Niko (2001)

Deutsches Ärzteblatt (98), Ausgabe 14, p 895-896., S. 895-896.

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