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Placebo effects on nausea and motion sickness are resistant to experimentally-induced stress

Jacob, Carmen; Olliges, Elisabeth; Haile, A.; Hoffmann, Verena; Jacobi, Benjamin...

Scientific Reports 13, 9908 (1).
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-36296-w

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention durch Gesundheitscoaches in der Routineversorgung – eine qualitative Interviewstudie mit Ärztinnen und Ärzten

Waibl, Paula; Rothenhäusler, Lena; Nöfer, Eberhard; Meißner, Karin (2023)

Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung 19, S. 250–258 .
DOI: 10.1007/s11553-023-01047-2

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Gesundheitsökonomische Bewertung einer open-label Placebo Intervention bei funktionellem Post-COVID Syndrom: Studienprotokoll

Hamberger, Jens; Hinterberger, T.; Loew, T.; Meißner, Karin; Beschoner, Petra...

ePoster, Deutscher Kongress für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie (DKPM), 22-24.06.2022, Berlin.

Peer Reviewed

Exploring pain, quality of life, and emotional well-being in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer practicing spiritual meditation - a pilot study

Eggers, Christine; Olliges, Elisabeth; Böck, Stefan; Kruger, Stefan; Uhl, Waldemar...

Complementary Medicine Research.
DOI: 10.1159/000529865

Peer Reviewed

Behandlung von Post-/Long-COVID mit TCM - eine Querschnittsbefragung von TCM-Ärzt:innen

Hardy, Anne; Kraft, Jana; Baustädter, Verena; Bögel-Witt, Martina; Krassnig, Katharina...

Posterpräsentation auf dem Wissenschaftstag des 54. TCM Kongresses Rothenburg o.d.T..

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Federated vs local vs central deep learning of tooth segmentation on panoramic radiographs

Schneider, Lisa; Rischke, Roman; Krois, Joachim; Krasowski, Aleksander; Büttner, Martha...

Journal of Dental Research 2023/135, 104556.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jdent.2023.104556

Peer Reviewed

Federated Learning (FL) enables collaborative training of artificial intelligence (AI) models from multiple data sources without directly sharing data. Due to the large amount of sensitive data in dentistry, FL may be particularly relevant for oral and dental research and applications. This study, for the first time, employed FL for a dental task, automated tooth segmentation on panoramic radiographs.
We employed a dataset of 4,177 panoramic radiographs collected from nine different centers (n = 143 to n = 1881 per center) across the globe and used FL to train a machine learning model for tooth segmentation. FL performance was compared against Local Learning (LL), i.e., training models on isolated data from each center (assuming data sharing not to be an option). Further, the performance gap to Central Learning (CL), i.e., training on centrally pooled data (based on data sharing agreements) was quantified. Generalizability of models was evaluated on a pooled test dataset from all centers.
For 8 out of 9 centers, FL outperformed LL with statistical significance (p<0.05); only the center providing the largest amount of data FL did not have such an advantage. For generalizability, FL outperformed LL across all centers. CL surpassed both FL and LL for performance and generalizability.
If data pooling (for CL) is not feasible, FL is shown to be a useful alternative to train performant and, more importantly, generalizable deep learning models in dentistry, where data protection barriers are high.
Clinical Significance
This study proves the validity and utility of FL in the field of dentistry, which encourages researchers to adopt this method to improve the generalizability of dental AI models and ease their transition to the clinical environment.


Relationship between hope, confidence, and anxiety and the success of infertility treatment with IVF-Naturelle® - a prospective cohort study

Kraft, Jana; Stamm, Lili; Waibl, Paula; Popovici, R. M.; Krieg, Jürgen...

Oral presentation, 4th International Conference of the Society for Interdisciplinary Placebo Studies, Duisburg, Germany.

The effects of pilates and open-label placebos on severe primary dysmenorrhea - a randomized controlled pilot study

Ort, Sandra; Waibl, Paula; Stang, Marina; Funke, Susanne A.; Dalkner, Nina...

Poster presentation, 4th International Conference of the Society for Interdisciplinary Placebo Studies, Duisburg, Germany.

Peer Reviewed

Measurement and simulation of distribution, degradation, maximal soil concentrations and ecotoxic effects of biocides released from building facades

Kiefer, Nadine; Reiß, Fabienne; Klein, Judith; Klein, Michael; Noll, Matthias...


Selection and characterization of Tau targeting D-peptides as a potential therapeutic approach for Alzheimer’s Disease

Aillaud, Isabelle; Malhis, Marwa; Kaniyappan, S.; Chandupatla, R.R.; Ramirez, L.-M....

AD/PD 2023 International Conference, Hybrid, 28.03.-01.04.2023.

The effects of pilates and open-label placebo on severe primary dysmenorrhea - a randomized controlled pilot study

Ort, Sandra; Waibl, Paula; Stang, Marina; Funke, Susanne A.; Dalkner, Nina...

Psychosomatic Medicine 85 (4), S. A28.
DOI: 10.1097/PSY.0000000000001202

Peer Reviewed

Ergebnisse der Mitgliederbefragungen der Ärztlichen und Offenen Schule der SMS im Frühjahr 2022

Waibl, Paula; Engelhardt, Ute; Nögel, Rainer; Hempen, Moritz; Meißner, Karin (2023)

Chinesische Medizin 38 (1), S. 30-39.
DOI: 10.1007/s00052-023-00074-8

Open Access

Taste matters: Mapping expectancy-based appetitive placebo effects onto the brain

Khalid, Iraj; Rodrigues, Belina; Dreyfus, Hippolyte; Frileux, Solene; Meißner, Karin...

bioRxiv (Pre-print).
DOI: 10.1101/2023.02.14.527858

Open Access

Placebo in der Schmerzmedizin

Meißner, Karin (2023)

Vortrag auf der externen Schmerzkonferenz mit Qualitätszirkel 2023, Schön Klinik Bad Staffelstein / alphaMED Bamberg.

Alzheimer-Demenz – neue therapeutische Optionen?

Funke, Susanne A. (2023)

Lehrerfortbildung, Hochschule Coburg.

Unspezifische Effekte von Operationen – Erkenntnisse aus der Placeboforschung

Meißner, Karin (2022)

Eingeladener Vortrag, Gründungsveranstaltung für das REGIOMED Zentrum für Wirbelsäulenmedizin, Regiomed Klinikum Lichtenfels .

Creditions in prevention and treatment: lessons learned from two empirical studies

Meißner, Karin (2022)

Vortrag auf der internationalen Tagung "The structure of creditions - methods, methodology, and assessment", Graz, Österreich.

A systematic review to evaluate the stress relieving potential of qigong, taiji and acupressure

Meißner, Karin (2022)

Oral presentation, 2022 Xing-lin International Week of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (CDUTCM).

Selection of Listeria monocytogenes InlA-Binding Peptides Using Phage Display—Novel Compounds for Diagnostic Applications?

Kenzel, Julia; Brüggemann, Dagmar Adeline; Funke, Susanne A. (2022)

Applied Microbiology 2022, 2 (4), S. 921-933.
DOI: 10.3390/applmicrobiol2040070

Open Access

Placebo effects in medicine

Meißner, Karin (2022)

Vortrag im Rahmen der Vorlesungsreihe "Hot Topics in Psychology", TUM Fakultät für Sport- und Gesundheitswissenschaften.

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