Active soil microbial composition and proliferation are directly affected by the presence of biocides from building materials

Titel Active soil microbial composition and proliferation are directly affected by the presence of biocides from building materials
Medien Science of the Total Environment
Verlag ---
Heft ---
Band 912
ISBN ---
Verfasser/Herausgeber Fabienne Reiß, Nadine Kiefer, Witoon Purahong, W. Borken , Prof. Dr. Stefan Kalkhof, Prof. Dr. Matthias Noll
Seiten ---
Veröffentlichungsdatum 2024-01-24
Projekttitel ---
Zitation Reiß, Fabienne; Kiefer, Nadine; Purahong, Witoon; Borken , W.; Kalkhof, Stefan; Noll, Matthias (2024): Active soil microbial composition and proliferation are directly affected by the presence of biocides from building materials. Science of the Total Environment 912, 168689. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168689