Sulfate reduction and homoacetogenesis at various hypersaline conditions: Implications for H2 underground gas storage

Titel Sulfate reduction and homoacetogenesis at various hypersaline conditions: Implications for H2 underground gas storage
Medien Frontiers in Energy Research
Verlag ---
Heft ---
Band 11
ISBN ---
Verfasser/Herausgeber Laura Schwab , L. Prinsen, G. Nowack, D. Popp, Prof. Dr. Matthias Noll, Dr. Carsten Vogt , M. Wagner
Seiten ---
Veröffentlichungsdatum 2023-04-19
Projekttitel ---
Zitation Schwab , Laura ; Prinsen, L.; Nowack, G.; Popp, D.; Noll, Matthias; Vogt , Carsten ; Wagner, M. (2023): Sulfate reduction and homoacetogenesis at various hypersaline conditions: Implications for H2 underground gas storage. Frontiers in Energy Research 11, 1125619. DOI: 10.3389/fenrg.2023.1125619