Prüffeld Verbrennungsmotoren und alternative Antriebe – Rollenprüfstand


The Coburg’s fuel research system includes a 2019 4-wheel drive chassis dynamometer for emission testing of conventional, hybrid and battery electric vehicles. This test bench allows for reproducible vehicle tests at modern emission test-cycle conditions sich as WLTP, RTS95, JC08, FTP75 or even NEDC. Moreover, the test-bench is prepared for signal synchronization between test-bench and vehicle instrumentation data for detailed processing of fuel dependent operation conditions.

Technical Details

  • 260 kW breaking peak power
  • Dedicated exhaust gas analysis including dilution tunnel, particle counters and bag measurements
  • Emission sampling for advanced emission analysis in preparation


Prof. Dr. Markus Jakob
T 095613178084

Project duration

2016-12-13 - 2019-12-31

Funding programme

DFG - Forschungsgroßgeräte nach Art. 91 b GG

Sustainable Development Goals