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Detection of slow port scans in flow-based network traffic

Ring, M.; Landes, Dieter; Hotho, A. (2018)

PLOS ONE 2018 13 (9).
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0204507

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Frequently, port scans are early indicators of more serious attacks. Unfortunately, the detection of slow port scans in company networks is challenging due to the massive amount of network data. This paper proposes an innovative approach for preprocessing flow-based data which is specifically tailored to the detection of slow port scans. The preprocessing chain generates new objects based on flow-based data aggregated over time windows while taking domain knowledge as well as additional knowledge about the network structure into account. The computed objects are used as input for the further analysis. Based on these objects, we propose two different approaches for detection of slow port scans. One approach is unsupervised and uses sequential hypothesis testing whereas the other approach is supervised and uses classification algorithms. We compare both approaches with existing port scan detection algorithms on the flow-based CIDDS-001 data set. Experiments indicate that the proposed approaches achieve better detection rates and exhibit less false alarms than similar algorithms.


Salutogenese gemeinsam und interdisziplinär weiterdenken – Erfahrungen aus und mit dem Studiengang Integrative Gesundheitsförderung Coburg

Röhrich, Christina; Kraft, Jana; Nagel, Andreas; Kohls, Niko (2018)

Der Mensch 2018 56 (1), S. 41–45.

Peer Reviewed

Gefühl und Vernunft als leibliches Erleben – Zur Relevanz von Subjektivität für anthropologische und ethische Bezüge im Kontext von Gesundheitsförderung

Röhrich, Christina; Krüger, Eckard; Kohls, Niko (2018)

Internationale Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Psychosomatik 2018 (1), S. 1–9.

Peer Reviewed

Körperliche Aktivität und potenzielle Korrelate bei Hämodialysepatienten

Sanftenberg, L.; van Dyck, M.; Bucksch, J.; Weber, Annemarie; Schelling, J....

Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung 2018 23 (3), S. 234.
DOI: 10.1007/s11553-018-0681-y

Peer Reviewed

Active Learning of Software Quality and Project Management

Sedelmaier, Y.; Landes, Dieter (2018)

Proceedings 9th IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference EDUCON 2018, S. 1077–1085.

Peer Reviewed

Digitalisierung, Software Engineering und Bildung im Wechselspiel

Sedelmaier, Y.; Landes, Dieter (2018)

Digitalisierung / Göttingen 2018 (13), S. 145–157.

Peer Reviewed

Innovatives Requirements Engineering – ohne den Menschen?

Sedelmaier, Y.; Landes, Dieter (2018)

Softwaretechnik-Trends 38 (1), S. 35–36.

Peer Reviewed

Systematic evolution of a learning setting for requirements engineering education based on competence-oriented didactics

Sedelmaier, Y.; Landes, Dieter (2018)

Proceedings 9th IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference EDUCON 2018, S. 1068–1076.
DOI: 10.1109/EDUCON.2018.8363348

Peer Reviewed

Better Understanding Fundamental Computer Science Concepts through Peer Review

Sedelmaier, Y.; Landes, Dieter; Kuhn, Maria (2018)

47nd International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy / 21th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL) 2018, S. 928–939.

Peer Reviewed

Social Support and Psychological Distress in Cancer: Stress as a Mediator

Treaster, M. K.; Sirois, F. M.; Offenbächer, M.; Touissant, L.; Kohls, Niko...

Johnson City, TN, USA 2018.

Self-compassion and cancer: Perceived control, treatment adherence, and health status. Presentation at 64th annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association

Treaster, M. K.; Sirois, F. M.; Toussaint, L.; Offenbächer, M.; Kohls, Niko...

Charleston, SC 2018.

Aktuelle Forschungsaktivitäten zur personenzentrierten Medizin in akademischen Instituten für Allgemeinmedizin in Deutschland und Österreich

Weber, Annemarie; Schelling, J.; Kohls, Niko; van Dyck, M.; Poggenburg, S.; Vajda, C....

Gesundheitswesen (Bundesverband der Arzte des Offentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes (Germany)) 2018 80 (11), S. 1006–1012.
DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-117734

Peer Reviewed

Method Cards – A New Concept for Teaching in Academia and to Innovate in SMEs

Zagel, Christian; Grimm, L.; Luo, Xun (2018)

Proceedings to the 9th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) / Cham 2018.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-94229-2_22

Peer Reviewed

Transnational Patients: Practical and Ethical Implications for Medical Practices and Health Promotions Policy

Zeldes, N.; Dilger, H.; FitzGerald, Kevin; Kohls, Niko; Moore, E.; Nöfer, Eberhard...

World Medical & Health Policy 2018 10 (2), S. 198–207.
DOI: 10.1002/wmh3.263

Peer Reviewed


Strutz, Tilo (2017)

Grundlagen, Codierung, Wavelets, JPEG, MPEG, H.264, HEVC. 5. Auflage.

Mythos Nordpol - Wie Wissenschaften erzählen.

Holtorf, Christian (2017)

Ringvorlesung „Erzählen“, Institut für Literarisches Schreiben und Literaturwissenschaft, Universität Hildesheim, 13. Dezember 2017.

Achtsamkeit als Lebens-, Gesundheits- und Alter(n)sressource

Kohls, Niko (2017)

Ist Glück für mich erstrebenswert? Wohlfühltag der Gemeinde Untersiemau, 1.12.2017..

Stuck in the Past with Angry Memories has detrimental Health Effects in Patients suffering from Fibromyalgia

Toussaint, L.; Sirois, F. M.; Hirsch, J. K.; Kohls, Niko; Weber, Annemarie...

Schmerz 2017 31 (Suppl 2):S59.

Peer Reviewed

An Altered Subjective Time Perspective is associated with Symptoms and Quality of Life in Patients suffering from Fibromyalgia

Offenbächer, M.; Sirois, F. M.; Toussaint, L.; Hirsch, J. K.; Weber, Annemarie...

Schmerz 2017 31 (Suppl 2):S59.

Peer Reviewed

Gratitude Mediates Quality of Life Differences Between Fibromyalgia Patients and Healthy Controls

Toussaint, L.; Sirois, F. M.; Hirsch, J. K.; Weber, Annemarie; Vajda, C.; Schelling, J....

Schmerz 2017 31 (Suppl 2):S60.

Peer Reviewed

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Hochschule Coburg

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