Digitalization of Controlling in Insurance Companies. Along the Limits of Insurability


This article deals with the digitalization of management accounting / controlling in insurance companies, which goes hand in hand with the digital transformation of the insurance industry by Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain. The insurance business requires an industry-specific design of the controlling instruments, but not of the controlling concept itself. Managing insurance as a service in a value- and risk-oriented way requires cost transparency, e.g. through contribution margin calculations. Risks, on the other hand, can only be understood from a balance sheet perspective, e.g. through internal models. These interdisciplinary fields of application of controlling are undergoing digitalization. In addition, there are new market developments such as telematics tariffs, in which the digitalization of controlling is essential in order to address the limits of insurability. The fields of application result in new competence profiles of controllers in distinction to actuaries and data scientists.


Mehr zum Titel

Titel Digitalization of Controlling in Insurance Companies. Along the Limits of Insurability
Medien in: Keimer, Imke; Egle, Ulrich (Hg.) (2023): The Digitalization of Management Accounting. Use Cases form Theory and Practice. Wiesbaden: Springer 2023
Verlag Springer
Heft ---
Band ---
ISBN 978-3-658-4153-5
Verfasser/Herausgeber Prof. Dr. Mirko Kraft, Bianca Drerup
Seiten 277–293
Veröffentlichungsdatum 05.07.2023
Projekttitel Die Zukunft der Versicherung: Digitale Wertschöpfungsketten und ihr Stand und Entwicklungen
Zitation Kraft, Mirko; Drerup, Bianca (2023): Digitalization of Controlling in Insurance Companies. Along the Limits of Insurability. in: Keimer, Imke; Egle, Ulrich (Hg.) (2023): The Digitalization of Management Accounting. Use Cases form Theory and Practice. Wiesbaden: Springer 2023, S. 277–293. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-41524-2