Prüffeld Verbrennungsmotoren und alternative Antriebe – Prüfstand für Nfz-Motor

General Description

The new engine test field at Coburg University includes a 2019 engine test bench for heavy-duty engine applications. This test-bench can either be used for thermodynamic full engine research or be used for the development of modern exhaust gas aftertreatment systems, which can be built-up in the test cell next to the engine.
In addition to this, the test-cell is prepared for automated operation in transient test-cycles to achieve high reproducibility in subsequent tests. Furthermore, the test-cell is prepared for variable fuel supply systems to investigated modern alternative fuels in larger volumes.

Technical Details

  • 460 kW peak power (w/ 10 % overboost for 10 minutes)
  • Pneumatic test-bench foundation to balance heavy powertrain systems
  • Sufficient space for the investigation of complex exhaust gas aftertreatment systems


Prof. Dr. Markus Jakob
T 095613178084


13.12.2016 - 01.06.2023



DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - Wissenschaftliche Geräte und Informationstechnik (WGI) - Forschungsgroßgeräte (Art. 91 b GG)

Adressierte SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)