The Seychelles depend on import for about 90% of plant- and animal-based food: thus, it is crucial to increase local capacity for food production. However, the conservation of the rich biodiversity of the archipelago ecosystems, with 48.2% of terrestrial land already protected, is the top priority for the Seychelles government. In this context, GREENTraINT aims to design and implement HE programs in sustainable management practices in agriculture and livestock sectors which would then address the need for developing capacity for food production while protecting biodiversity. One effective strategy to integrate biodiversity conservation with food production is enhancing teaching and training programs in sustainable agroforestry techniques. The GreenTraINT project aims to fill a gap in the sector of HE offer by designing and testing an intensive program which will include a general common training component and three specific paths: “Sustainable agriculture”, “Sustainable livestock farming” and “Conservation of natural areas and biodiversity”. A summer school will test a suite of training materials that can be used independently within the context of each training path or as part of a coherent whole course. Ultimately, the aspiration of the project is to develop teaching and training modules to be implemented at University of Seychelles and other educational institutions as a standalone program for professionals, thus giving the outcomes an impact beyond the project's period. The project consortium involves three HE Institutions (University of Bologna, Italy; University of Seychelles, Seychelles; University of Applied Sciences Coburg, Germany), an educational institution of the tertiary level (Seychelles Institute of Agriculture and Horticulture) and two further non-academic bodies (Parco Natura Viva, Italy; Seychelles Parks and Gardens Authority). Partners cover significant areas of expertise in teaching, training and research at national and international levels.
Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna (UNIBO)
Prof. Paola Mattarelli
Viale Fanin 42
40127 Bologna (Italy)
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.