Responsive image

Lack of Spiritual Practice -an important risk factor for suffering from distress

Kohls, Niko; Walach, H. (2008)

Newsletter 25. Spirituality and Psychiatry Special Interest Group, Royal College of Psychiatrists. [].

Study investigating the frequency and types of liberty-depriving methods used against elderly individuals in need of residential care

Berzlanovich, A.; Kohls, Niko (2008)

WEAAD 2008 in Bavaria, www.inpea/WEAAD.

Spiritualität als Ressource – Einige wissenschaftliche Befunde. Schwerpunktheft „Spiritualität und Gesundheit“

Walach, H.; Kohls, Niko (2008)

Prävention –Zeitschrift für Gesundheitsförderung, 2, 43 -47. , S. 43-47.

Peer Reviewed

Effectiveness of Distant Healing for Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Randomised Controlled Partially Blinded Trial

Walach, H.; Bösch, H.; Lewith, G.; Naumann, M.; Schwarzer, B.; Falk, S.; Kohls, Niko...

Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 77(3), 158-166., S. 158-166.

Validating four standard scales in spiritually practicing and non-practicing samples using propensity score matching

Kohls, Niko; Walach, H. (2008)

European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 24(3), 165-173., S. 165-173.

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Measuring the Unmeasurable by Ticking Boxes and Actually Opening Pandoras Box?

Kohls, Niko; Hack, A.; Walach, H. (2008)

Mixed Methods Research as a useful tool for thinking out of the box while investigating Exceptional Human Experiences. The Archive for the Psychology of Religion, 30, 155-187., S. 155-187.

Research Digest

Kohls, Niko (2007)

Commentary on Cotton, Zebracki, Rosenthal, Tsevat & Drotar (2006) and Wachholtz & Pargament (2006). Spirituality & Health International, 8 (2), p 101–105., S. 101-105.

Evidence Based Spirituality

Kohls, Niko (2007)

(2007), Network Review, 94, p. 26 - 27, S. 26-27.

Spiritualität, Krankheit und Heilung - Bedeutung und Ausdrucksformen der Spiritualität in der Medizin - Perspektiven, Schriften zur Pluralität in der Medizin und Komplementärmedizin

Sommer, A.; Kohls, Niko (2007)

In A. Büssing, T. Ostermann, M. Glöckler & P. Matthiessen (Eds.),.Frankfurt: Verlag für akademische Schriften, S. 194-218.

Psychological Distress, Experiences of Ego Loss and Spirituality: Exploring the Effects of Spiritual Practice

Kohls, Niko; Walach, H. (2007)

Social Behaviour and Personality, 35 (10), 1301-1316. , S. 1301-1316.

Peer Reviewed

Exceptional experiences and spiritual practice: A New Measurement Approach

Kohls, Niko; Walach, H. (2006)

Spirituality & Health International, 7(3), 125-150., S. 125-150.

Peer Reviewed

Exceptional Experiences and Mental Health - Results of a Questionnaire Study

Kohls, Niko (2006)

Congress Diversity and Debate in Alternative and Complementary Medicine, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom.

Peer Reviewed

R.esearch Digest

Kohls, Niko (2006)

Commentary on Simmonds (2006) and Cahn & Polich, (2006). Spirituality & Health International, 8 (1), p 44–53. 8 (1), S. 44-53.

Transpersonale Psychologie – Psychologie des Bewusstseins: Chancen und Probleme

Walach, H.; Kohls, Niko; Belschner, W. (2005)

Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol; 55: 405-415., S. 405-415.

Grade of Membership (GoM) Analysis as a Senitive Method for Evaluating Categorial Data – Introduction and Some Examples.

Walach, H.; Kohls, Niko (2005)

In: Beauducel, A., Biehl, B., Bosnjak, M., Conrad, W., Schönberger, G. & Wagner, D. (Eds.), Multivariate Research Strategies – Festschrift for Werner W. Wittmann (pp. 151 – 172). Aachen: Shaker., S. 151-172.

Geistige Gesundheit und aussergewöhnliche Erfahrungen – Ergebnisse und Probleme einer Fragebogenstudie

Kohls, Niko (2004)

Vortrag, Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie Göttingen. DGPS Abstracts, S. 364., S. 364.

Peer Reviewed

Exceptional Experiences and Mental Health - Results and Problems of a Questionnaire Study - Contribution to the panel “Counseling Person with Exceptional Experiences - The Example of IGPP"

Kohls, Niko; Walach, H. (2004)

Proceedings of Presented Papers Parapsychological Association in Wien, S. 319 – 320., S. 319-320.

Peer Reviewed

The Prevalence of Extraordinary Experiences and Its Relationship To Mental Health – A Questionnaire Study

Walach, H.; Kohls, Niko (2003)

Book of Abstracts. Society for Psychotherapy Research - 34th Annual Meeting, Weimar, S. 122 – 123., S. 122-123.

Peer Reviewed

Ausgewählte Ergebnisse der Freiburger Fragebogenstudie zu außergewöhnlichen Erfahrungen

Kohls, Niko; Walach, H.; Kress, G. (2002)

Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Berlin, Posterbeitrag..

Peer Reviewed

Häufigkeit und subjektive Bewertung von aussergewöhnlichen menschlichen Erfahrungen. Explorative Ergebnisse einer Fragebogenstudie zu differentialdiagnostischen Zwecken

Kohls, Niko; Friedl, Cosima; Harald, Wallach (2001)

In W. Belschner, J. Galuska, H. Walach & E. Zundel (Eds.), Perspektiven Transpersonaler Forschung. Jahresband 1 des DKTP (pp. 89-116). Oldenburg: BIS-Verlag., S. 89-116.

Prof. Dr. Niko Kohls

Hochschule Coburg

Fakultät Angewandte Naturwissenschaften und Gesundheit (FNG)
Friedrich-Streib-Str. 2
96450 Coburg

T 09561317130

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9761-4839