From Toponym Resolution to Advanced Models of Spatial Grounding: Past, Present and (One Possible) Future


The textual realm and the geographic/spatial realm intersect when we use human language to talk about geographic space. Various terms have been used to talk about this intersection (“geoparsing”, “georeferencing”, “toponym resolution”, “spatial grounding” etc.) and related applications such as geographic information retrieval. In this keynote, I will review some things that the community has accomplished since 2003, what occupies people’s minds at the moment, and I will raise a few research questions that would be interesting to answer, or that would unlock the potential for new kinds of applications. I conclude with some personal conjectures about how one version of the future might look like.

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Titel From Toponym Resolution to Advanced Models of Spatial Grounding: Past, Present and (One Possible) Future
Medien Third International Workshop on Geographic Information Extraction from Texts (GeoExT) to be held at the 47th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2025) in Lucca, Italy, April 10th, 2025
Veröffentlichungsdatum 10.04.2025
Zitation (2025): From Toponym Resolution to Advanced Models of Spatial Grounding: Past, Present and (One Possible) Future. Third International Workshop on Geographic Information Extraction from Texts (GeoExT) to be held at the 47th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2025) in Lucca, Italy, April 10th, 2025.